Rainfall ahead.

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"Heather," Starfire began, "I know what happened to you. I know everything." she spoke in a sympathetic tone.

"W-what?" Tornado was shocked. "How.. How do you know my name?"

"I know a lot about you."

"Oh yeah, like what?"

"I know that when you were 5 years old you had a stuffed elephant that you loved very much. You never had it out of your sight until you met a cancer patient your age. You gave her your favorite toy."

The other titans stood in awe from what they just heard.

A tear began to form in the corner of Heather's eye, "How do you know that?"

"Your local newspaper wrote an article on you about compassion. This isn't you, you're not evil."

"If you truly knew me," she said wiping tears from her eyes, "you'd know I'm a monster."

"Yes your power is great, but that doesn't make you anything you don't choose to be."

"Do you think I want to be like this? This wasn't my choice!"

"I never said you chose to have these powers. I said you chose to use them for the wrong reasons. You were given another chance to live. Your boyfriend loved you very much, he stole medication just to save you."

"Mark..." she whispered before shaking her head and yelling. "That jerk made me a freak! Maybe I'm alive on, the outside , but I'm still dead on the inside! I can't control these powers they control me! The minute I woke up from that coma the real me was gone. Now I'm this..."


"NO! No more talking! PleaSE! AHHHHHHH!!!" She fell to the ground screaming in agonizing pain.

"HEATHER!" Starfire ran over to the girl.

"I'm glad someone tried to help me." She was crying and breathing heavily. "It's no use trying to save me... But I'm glad you tried. Goodbye."

By this time Starfire began to cry, not even noticing that the girl in front of her started to turn into a giant funneled cloud. The next thing the titans knew a they were hurling around in circles going 180 mph. Rain poured down, lightning struck and thunder roared. Before long the tornado shrank in size letting the teens inside free.

"Heh heh dude I feel sooo much better!" The green boy smiled before realizing what had happened. His ears drooped and he sighed.

"I could have done something differently." Starfire cried.

"Star," Robin said as he wiped tears from the alien girl's eyes. "You did everything you could."

"But she is now gone... I am afraid forever."

"And that isn't your fault. This would have happened one way or another. You had no control over what happened."

Starfire hugged Robin tightly before looking over and seeing something shining. She picked it up and held it awhile before reveling what it was.

"This must be her locket." She opened it up, inside was a picture of 5 year old Heather with her friend and the pink elephant she loved so dearly.

"I believe I will keep this."

"That's sweet." Cyborg said, smiling to his friend.

By this time all of the titans had tears in their eyes. The rain then stopped and a rainbow formed over the city.

Raven put her hand on Starfire's shoulder, "I think this rainbow is her way of showing you she's here."

"Thank you friend, Raven. I think so too."

The heroes, not feeling much like heroes at all, slowly made their way back to the T-car and drove home.

"I know this has been a very emotional day titans, and I understand if you'd all like to be alone. Just know that there was nothing any of us could do. I know this may sound cliché, but she's in a better place now. That is all."

They then began to go their separate ways, Robin staying with Starfire of course.

As Raven walked away tears fell from her eyes. Although, she tried not to make any sound as she weeped Beast Boy heard her and quickly followed.


She ignored him and continued walking.

"Raven." He spoke more clearly, grabbing the shoulders of the heartbroken girl in front of him, and spun her around.

"Are... Are you okay?"

Raven's eyes were red. She had been crying for longer than Beast Boy knew.

"I'm completely fine."

"Don't try to lie to me Raven, your eyes are bloodshot."

"I'm just concerned for Starfire."

"You wouldn't be crying like this if that were the only reason."

" Torna-" she stopped and corrected herself, "Heather, reminded me of myself. A girl with no control over her powers or even her own life. A life that she didn't even want in the first place."

She then dropped down on her knees and began to sob. A window then shattered down the hall.

"Raven..." Beast Boy crouched down, "Please don't cry or I'll start to cry too!" Tears rushed down his face as he spoke.

"Beast Boy."


"Do you think I'll end up like that? No control whatsoever, my emotions destroying the things I love... The people I love..."

"That will never happen, I won't let it." He then wrapped his arms around Raven's waist pulling her closer to him as she laid her head on his chest.

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