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"Beast BOYY!" A loud voice called. Beast Boy ran towards the sound coming from the infirmary.

"Yeah, Terra? Need somethin'?"

"Just someone to talk to." She smiled, grabbing his hand.

"Oh... Heh okay. What do ya wanna talk about?"

"I dunno know. Hehe."

"Terra.. Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm feeling just fine now that you're here, cutie." She winked at him.

Beast Boy slid his hand out from under her's "Uhhh...."

Terra heard footsteps coming towards the door she decided then and there what her plan was. She grabbed the collar on Beast Boy's shirt and pulled him towards her, giving him a big sloppy kiss. Beast Boy stayed there wide-eyed and paralyzed until he heard a gasp.

"G-Garfield?" The teary-eyed Raven couldn't believe what was happening.

Beast Boy pushed Terra off of him. "Raven! No it's not what it looks like!"

"SHUT UP!" She ran down the hall bawling, breaking every object she passed.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR YOU PSYCHO?!" Beast Boy screamed at Terra.

"I thought you liked me. Remember?" Her eyes looked as though she was also about to burst out into tears.

"Terra you wanted to move on and so I moved on too!"

"Who said I wanted to move on?" She said scooting closer to him.

"You did!"

"Well then maybe I was wrong." She grabbed his hand again.

He quickly pulled away and stood up. "Did you not just see what you did to Raven? I had a shot with her and now it's gone! You ruined everything!" He grabbed his head.

"Well maybe now we can start over."

"Start over? How do you even remember that we started?"


"Last time I checked you had no memory of us or the others... Are you even Terra?"

"Get rid of him, Clone 219!" A dark voice yelled.

"Who was that? And why did he call you a clo-" the Terra impersonator grabbed a lamp and hit him over the head with it, knocking Beast Boy out before he could even finish what he was saying.

"Why did I pick you to do this task?! Out if all the others I chose you and destroyed the rest!"

"Master I-"

"Shut up you idiot! The original was a better apprentice then you, even if she did betray me!"

"I'm sorry!"

"You better be! No more slip ups you hear?!"

"What do you want me to do with him?"

"Hurry up and destroy the Titans before he wakes up. Play time is over."

"Yes sir."

"And remember, don't screw up! Or else!"

Raven ran into the living room, still breaking things with her powerful emotions.

"Raven? "Rae?" "Friend Raven?" Robin, Cyborg and Starfire all called out, worried for their friend.

"What has happened?!"

Raven didn't respond, instead she grabbed Starfire's arm and opened a portal leading to her room. She dragged Starfire into the portal with her.

"What is going on?!" Starfire asked after transporting to Raven's room.

With tears rushing down her face Raven explain that she saw Beast Boy and Terra kissing. "I was a fool to believe he liked me... even if we did almost kiss. With her back into his life he must of forgotten all about me. I was his second choice."


"Tell me about it." Raven wiped her eyes.

"I must go speak with him!"

"No! Please don't!"

"You do not understand. I must confront him!"

"I know you're going to do it anyway so fine..."

"Good. I shall return."

"Okay." Raven said falling over on her bed and curling up into a ball.

"I love you, my friend." Starfire said turning around in front of the door.

"Love you too, Star" Raven said in a muffled tone.

Starfire smiled at her before walking out the door.

"He will get what is coming to him!" Starfire thought aloud. "And it shall not be pretty!" She cracked her knuckles and stomped towards Beast Boy's room.

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