First Kiss

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Everyone had gathered downstairs in the dining room for Lunch. Magnus was sitting at the head of the table like usual with Kaitlyn and Jay sitting beside him. I was sitting in between Jay and Theo, enjoying my plate of lasagne. The warriors would've joined us too, but they decided to eat out and get to know each other that way.

It had been quite awkward with Jay glaring at Theo while he was chowing down his food, his parents couldn't help but notice this and try to lighten the mood. 

"So Theo, how has it been the last two years of being Alpha?" Kaitlyn asked out of the blue. Theo, who was on my right, had just put a large mouthful of lasagne into his mouth just as she asked that. 

His eyes widened, his cheeks puffed up from the big bite, as he hurriedly tried to finish the food in his mouth. I pursed my lips, trying hard not to laugh at the bad timing of the question. As soon as he finished chewing, he picked up his glass of water and drank some before answering. 

"It's been interesting. One of the things I've learnt in the past two years is, being an Alpha means having immense responsibility twenty four/seven. I'm grateful to have great co-leaders by my side." He responded thoughtfully. 

The corner of Magnus' mouth raised ever so slightly, indicating that he was satisfied with that answer. 

"Where do you see yourself in five years?" Magnus asked suddenly, regarding Theo with an intense look. I raised my eyebrow at him, wondering what had come over him.

Theo seemed a little taken aback by the sudden question, but proceeded to answer anyway. 

"In five years, I want to continue to lead my pack the best I can, and empower my people to become the best versions of themselves. By that time, I definitely hope to have my mate rule by my side and spend my life loving them and making them happy."

I fought back a smile as I felt his left hand reach for my right one, under the table, and hold it tenderly. The skin-to-skin contact initiated a series of pleasurable sparks throughout my body, I shivered from his touch.

"Your mate will be lucky to have you!" Kaitlyn gushed, clasping her hands together. "You're a romantic!"

Jay fake-gagged at his mother's words, earning a glare from her. 

"I wish you all the best, darling." She continued to say, smiling at Theo.

"Will you be staying here until the leader's meeting?" Magnus asked him. 

"No, sir." He replied, with a hint of nervousness. It took me a while before I realised I was the only person in the room who could sense his nervousness. "I'm planning on leaving tomorrow morning."

"Why are you so nervous?" I chuckled through the mate bond. 

"I really want to make a good impression on your father-figure, I want him to like me." He replied sheepishly. 

I smiled, appreciating his efforts. The main reason for not yet announcing we're mates is so that my family can get to know him better. Too many rumours have shaped their perception of Theo and what kind of person he is. I wanted them to be able to accept him as part of the family, because they like him and not because they have to.

Magnus looked at me and said, "I suppose you'll be going with him?" 

Startled by his wording, I frowned in response. What did he mean by that? Does he know we're mates? 

"Since the contract hasn't been finalised yet." He then added.

"Oh right, yes. The contract." I said in realisation. "I was planning on leaving tomorrow as well, if you didn't mind."

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