Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Jaylen Pov

I don't know who i shot but i had to get the fuck from out of here. I know im drunk as fuck and wanted Jessica back but i hope nothing Happen to anybody. I drove down 136th until i got home. I pulled inside my drive way and walked to my door. Lauren was sitting on the chair waiting for me.

Lauren : Brandon was shot , Stephon was shot And Nicole Died.

Jaylen : Brandon Shot ? My shot Brandon ? Is he ok?

Lauren : I don't know . But you shot other people and killed Nicole.

Jaylen : You Lying I Didn't kill nobody .

I sat here getting my thoughts together then open the door to let her and myself in. I didn't turn on no lights just in case the police come. I know i didn't kill Nicole and I know Brandon didn't get shot. And i shot Stephon damn i wasn't trying to harm nobody i just wanted Jessica to come with me. Be a family with me. No i really lost her because I Shot her best friend , boyfriend and son. I cant believe i did something like. I started crying from the pain im feeling.

Lauren just took me in her arms and hug me. I miss Lauren because through times like this she was always behind me letting me know i would be ok and dont worry about nothing. She Always got me out of shit . But now i dont think i would get out of this.

Just then my phone ring and it was Kiki.

Kiki : What the fuck is wrong with you ? I been calling you all fucking day. Why would you go shooting at Jessica baby shower. The girl dont want you . Leave her and the family alone.

Jaylen : I know but i didnt mean too. Im sorry . I know you love them like your family.

Kiki : What the fuck you mean like a family. They are family once you made brandon now hes laying in the hospital room fighting for his life. Jaylen Hes only 7 and he not looking like he going to make it.

Jaylen : I want to see him . I want him to know im sorry . That i love him.

Kiki : well go see him .

Jaylen : i will go see him tonight when i know everybody is gone .

She hung up on me and Lauren was just starring at me shaking her head with tears going down her face. Jasmine left me once she found out i was messing with Mya . And Mya left once i beat her up real bad after she was in messing around with somebody else.

Lauren : What are you going to do ?

Jaylen : Im going to go see my son.

I was just sitting on the couch looking at Lauren and i leaned in to kiss her. Im surprise she even kissed me back.

Lauren : Jaylen i miss you so much honestly .

Jaylen : so why you left me . we could of got through what happened

Lauren : you cheated on me and i stayed . But you didnt care about my feelings.

Jaylen : Im sorry your right come here.

Lauren came closer and i just started kissing her. I made her lay on top of me and she took my shirt off. I was rubbing her ass. She took of all my clothes and all her clothes. I slid in and hear her Gasp. She was still tight and wet. I continued to fuck her slow and letting my dick slid in and out . Damn i miss fucking my wife.

Mya Pov

I was literally standing in the hallway watching Jaylen make love to Lauren. I still had his key and I came over here to talk to him. But he had other plans. This man just Killed Nicole , Shot Stephon and Brandon but have the nerves to make love to another bitch. I stop recording after Lauren gave Jaylen head. And i walked out the house. I texted Christina to see where she was at. Im hurt because i thought we could of worked it out. But he fucking other bitches.

Christina sent her address and i pulled up in less then 30 mins. I got out the car and went inside the house.

Me : You wouldn't believe what the fuck i just saw .

I Started crying at this point. I know i did my dirt but damn you out doing yours too. Christina was looking at me just waiting for me to spell the T . I Should her the video and she jump up getting Hyped . She was mad as hell. Shit i am too.

Christina : What the fuck when was this?

Mya : Bitch a hour ago.

Christina : Damn so that why this bitch not answering .

Just then the door open and it was Lauren She was smiling and looking at her phone. Christina rushed to her and took her phone out her hand.

Christina : So not only are you fucking Jaylen you texting him too

Lauren : What the fuck are you talking about ? And why the fuck is she here?

Mya : Bitch because this my best friend bitch but you fucking my nigga

Lauren : Thats not your nigga . you cheated on my husband and now you mad?

Christina : Your husband? So you claiming that fuck nigga again?

Lauren : Not what i mean

Christina : Hoe you got me fucked up . I would go in your shit but im saved.

Mya : Bitch you not saved shut up. Let me go in her shit

Christina : Just get out Lauren.

Lauren : You kicking me out cause a bitch said i was fucking ?

Christina : Bitch I seen the video.

At this point Lauren looked dumb in the face. So she just got her shit and walked out. This hoe got me fucked up. I ran up on her and punched her in her shit. we was fighting and i went to kicking the bitch head in. At this point im mad and Christina wasn't helping her either . I was beating this hoe ass good and i enjoyed every moment of it.

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