Chapter 20

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Jaylen Pov

I walked inside the hospital room and sat next to my son. I cant lie im so hurt that he's even in this hospital because of me. I looked up and seen Jessica by the bed just standing there not saying nothing . I didn't even know she walked in . Surprised she didn't kill me .
Jessica : He's going to make it . I swear he's going to make it .
She was just letting tears fall from her eyes . She wouldn't look up or nothing . Just looked at Brandon and kept crying . But silent cries. I want to say something but I feel like if I do she will just go off and then kill me . But then she walked over to me and put her hands out .
Me : You really want to give me a hug
Jessica ; I forgive you . I forgive you for kidnapping me , I forgive you for shooting my Bestfriend and killing her . I forgive you for shooting my son . Because I found God . And I know I have to stay positive and not kill you just so everything can work in my favor . But letting you know now . If Brandon don't make it . Yo ass will be getting buried too .
And just like that she walked back over to Brandon kissed his forehead and walked out the room. I just stood there not saying nothing .
Me : Son I love you . I didn't mean to do this to you . Please just wake up . Lord please hear my prayer . Please let him wake up .
I said a prayer , kissed his head and walked out the room . I need to let Jessica know I'm sorry for everything.

Christina Pov
I can't believe I just let Mya beat tf out of Lauren . I should of just stopped it but I'm just so mad . I walked over to the couch and sat down . Mya came and gave me a cup of remy . We started drinking our ass off .
Mya : it's crazy your my Bestfriend but you looking mad sexy .
Me : oh yeah ?
Mya walked over to me and sat in my lap. She took another shot and started kissing me . I laid her down on the couch and started kissing her neck and making my way down . She had on a dress so it was easy for me to lick on her thighs . She didn't have no panties on.

I started licking on her pussy . She was wet instantly. She tasted good as hell . I started moaning while giving her head . I put my finger in and out and she started moaning . I continue to play with her Pussy and lick on her Pussy lips until she came . Her eyes rolled back and she released all her liquids on my tongue .
I licked it all up and cleaned her up . Mya kisses me then took me to the shower where I knew things will be different for us.

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