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Snow falling gently from the grey sky and settling onto the hills brought peace in the heart of Magdalena. She stared out of the large window in her privy chamber as she listened to the crackling fire from across the room and the soft chatter of her ladies. They sat in a circle, each of them absentmindedly stabbing needles into their half-finished embroidered pillows as they whispered about the gossip of court. Magdalena, however, was distracted by the outside world.

She despised the monotony of court, the fickle things she was to spend her time doing instead of being productive. Being a woman in court meant to live a life of child-rearing and husband-pleasing. She longed to live life to the fullest, to do something of importance instead of needlework and dancing. But, the wintry weather outside calmed her usually short temper. The snow reminded her of her mother and the times they spent in the gardens playing in the snow when she was a child. She wanted nothing more than to sneak out of the palace and into the gardens, to catch a snowflake on her tongue and to feel the sting of the cold air on her skin. But, that would be unseemly for a princess of her age.

"What do you think, Your Royal Highness?"

"Hm?" Magdalena said as she drew her eyes away from the window. All of her ladies had their eyes on her, awaiting a response to the question, but she could not produce one. "I apologize, my mind was elsewhere. What were you saying?"

"Elsewhere meaning you were thinking of the Duke?" Victoria asked, her red lips pulling into a smile as she giggled childishly. The young woman was four years Magdalena's junior and had just taken the spot of Lady Isabel, who had married and was forced to give up her position at court to live with her husband. Although she was young, she was intentional. Everything she said and did had a reason behind it, and Magdalena knew that she reported back to her father, Lord Cameros. Magdalena did not know much about politics, as her brother did not approve of her being involved, but she did know that Cameros was not to be trusted, and, therefore, neither was his daughter.

So, Magdalena put on the act of a blushing bride-to-be. She suppressed a smile and turned her face away from her ladies, casting her eyes downward to the rose she had been stitching.

"Is he handsome?" Clara asked, her innocent eyes glossy with intrigue.

"I have not yet seen his portrait," Magdalena said. She looked back up at the women who were trained to be her friends, yet did not know her well at all, save Beth. Her fair-haired friend wiggled her faint brows, causing Magdalena to smile. "We shall all see soon enough, though."

"When is he due to arrive?" Victoria asked.

Magdalena shifted her gaze to Victoria, who was not at all intimidated by the Princess, despite Magdalena's intense glare. She seemed to be very interested in the Duke and Magdalena would have to remember that. "The day before Christmas Eve," she replied. Before Victoria could ask another question, Magdalena set aside the pillow she was stitching and rose to her feet, causing the ladies to mimic her actions. "It's late. I would like to retire. You are all dismissed for the evening, except for you, Beth."

"Do you not require assistance tonight?" Victoria asked.

"No, thank you. Beth will suffice," Magdalena said.

Victoria glanced at Clara, but she averted her eyes. Clara detested the constant questions and mistakes that Victoria made. She was not adequate as a lady-in-waiting, and Clara felt that her sister should have been given the position instead. Nevertheless, they both curtsied to the Princess and exited the chamber.

Beth walked across the room to prepare a basin of water for the Princess to rinse her hands in. As she did so, Magdalena sat down at her vanity and began to remove her jewelry, humming to herself quietly.

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