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When Magdalena was awoken by all three of her ladies-in-waiting, a pit formed in her stomach. She wondered if the Duke had arrived yet, if she was going to take one step out of her chambers only to be whisked away to meet him. Her heart sank at the thought—she couldn't leave Harry outside, waiting for her. She sat upright in her bed, eyes falling on Beth, who was rummaging through the wardrobe for a dress.

"How would you like your hair today, Princess?" Clara asked. "Perhaps in one of the new styles that the French ambassador's wife has been wearing?"

"Would you like some rouge for your lips and cheeks? A little bit makes a large difference, and it's hardly noticeable," Victoria said.

Beth looked up at Magdalena and, from the look upon her face, knew that they needed to be sent away. "Ladies, do not bombard her with questions, she has only just woken," Beth said. "Victoria, why don't you go get the Princess's breakfast? She needs her strength for today."

Victoria bit her tongue, although she wanted to respond with hateful words, and curtsied before leaving the Princess's chambers. The minutes following her departure were spent dressing Magdalena in one of her finest gowns and styling her hair in an intricate bun at the nape of her neck.

"Thank you, Clara, it's lovely," Magdalena said as she looked at herself in the mirror. "Do you mind if I have a moment alone with Beth?"

"Of course, your Highness," Clara said.

When the door shut behind her, Magdalena turned to face Beth, who was knelt beside her chair at the vanity. "Beth, you are my dearest friend, and I must confide in you. Can you keep a secret?"

"Anything for you," Beth replied.

Magdalena clutched her friend's hands. "I have been meeting with a man, one of my brother's guests from England, and we have made a pact to meet every morning at the gardens. I must continue to meet him, but I fear that with the Duke's arrival, I will be watched more closely. I'll only be gone an hour, but if I am asked after..."

"Are you asking me to lie to the King?" Beth asked, her brows tugged together.

"Please, Beth."

"Who is he? Why are you meeting with him? I don't understand."

"I only know his first name. I can't explain it, there's just something about him—something that draws me to him. And when I am near him, my heart feels as if it will beat out of my chest. When I think of him, I can't help but smile. And, Beth, he kissed me yesterday, and I felt as if I could have flown like a bird."

"Oh, Magdalena," Beth sighed, shaking her head. "Does he know you are betrothed?"

Her dreamy smile faded away as reality sank in. "No. That is what I must tell him today. So, will you do it? Can you keep my secret?"

Beth's mind wandered off for a moment, memories of her late night strolls with Andrew coming to mind, their secret kisses under the protection of the darkness, their promise to one day share a life together. There was such hope within Beth for their love to flourish, but it was taken away from her when she confided in her sister. There was still residual anger from her sister's betrayal, even after all of the years that had passed and the good that had come from her time in Spain.


She looked up at Magdalena, her heart softening. "Yes, of course," she said.

Magdalena's lips pulled into a smile. She wrapped her arms around Beth's neck, hugging her tight. "Thank you, dear friend."

When Magdalena pulled back, Beth grabbed her wrist. "Don't do anything that you'll regret."


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