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Magdalena dropped the hood of her cloak as she stepped into the palace. She rubbed her hands together for warmth, squeezing them occasionally, and walked through the corridors to find Beth. She hoped that her brother had not gone looking for her and that Victoria was preoccupied with her lover so that she would not notice that she had disappeared, but she knew it was unlikely.

"Your Royal Highness." Magdalena stopped walking and turned around. A guard was standing behind her, and he bowed when she looked at him. "The King requests your presence in his chambers."

This was it, she thought. He had gone looking for her and Beth couldn't keep her lips sealed. Nevertheless, she followed the guard to her brother's chambers and entered the presence chamber with feigned confidence, much like she had seen Victoria exude. She envied that.

"You wanted to see me, Felipe?" she asked when he did not look up at her. His eyes were narrowed as he studied something within his grasp, but she could not see what it was. "Felipe?"

He looked up. "Oh, sorry," he mumbled. He quickly stowed away what he had been examining in the drawer of his desk and stood to his feet. "Elena, I know I don't usually concern you with state affairs, but this time is an exception. Your union with the Duke is one that will bring many benefits to the crown."

"I know," she said softly, looking down at her feet.

"I'm aware it is not what you want, but please do try to impress him. It would mean a great deal to me." He stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Mamá and Papá would be so proud of you."

She brought her gaze to his, tears stinging her eyes and blurring her vision. "I wish they were here."

"Me too," he whispered. It was not often that he showed the softer side of himself, and Magdalena was surprised by it, but it didn't last long. He cleared his throat and dropped his hand to his side. "The Duke arrived in the wee hours of the morning. He is resting now, so you will be presented to him at the masque tonight, which you and your ladies will partake in."


"Señor Lin will show you what to do. It's a fairly simple routine, he showed me the steps earlier."

"Yes, but you don't have to memorize them."

"Enough, Elena," Felipe said sternly. "Go, now. I need to get back to work."


Cameros rounded the corner of a hallway. While lost in his thoughts, going over the speech he had planned to recite to the Duke, he knocked straight into someone. He grunted with frustration and huffed as he smoothed out his shirt and readjusted his gold necklace that had been slung over his shoulder. "Ay!"

"Apologies, my lord," the man said, bowing before scurrying away.

"Extranjeros (Foreigners)," he said through his teeth. He continued down the corridor and stopped at the door of the Duke's chambers. He knocked twice and waited, chewing on his lip nervously until the door was pulled open by a boy. "I am Lord Cameros. I seek an audience with your master," he said.

The boy closed the door. Cameros heaved a sigh of frustration and folded his arms over his chest. Minutes passed by, and he grew anxious that the Duke would refuse him, but the door finally opened, and the boy stepped to the side to allow Cameros to enter.

"Lord Cameros," a deep voice said from the opposite side of the room.

Cameros gave a small bow. "Your Grace, it is an honor to meet you."

"What can I do for you?" the Duke asked from his chair by the fire.

"I have come to bid you welcome to Madrid. I understand that it has been many years since your last visit."

"Indeed. I was but a child, and King Felipe's father was on the throne."

"Have you been received by his Majesty yet?" Cameros asked.

"No, he insisted that I rest from my journey before the festivities tonight. I believe my betrothed is to be a part of it."

"Yes, the Princess is practicing as we speak. My daughter, Victoria, the Princess's lady-in-waiting, is also participating. She is a very skilled dancer, I am sure you will be entertained."

"I must admit, I am most looking forward to the feast afterward," he said with a chuckle, his bulbous stomach jiggling. "Please, sit, my lord. I am in need of some adult company after such a long journey with only Santiago. The boy is obedient and loyal, but so young. Only thirteen. I can't very well discuss many things with him."

"I would be delighted," Cameros grinned.


The Great Hall was dimly lit, enhancing the mysticism of the performance. Magdalena and the other players were gathered at the entrance of the Hall in a clump, everyone practicing the steps that they struggled with, except for Magdalena. She peered through the tiny gap between the door, trying to spot the Duke. Suddenly, the doors were pulled open. Magdalena stumbled back, but someone from behind pushed her forward, causing her to enter first. She was the head of the line of players that followed behind her, each of them dressed in costume with a matching mask that covered their faces from their noses to their foreheads. The murmurs of courtiers died down as they took their places in the middle of the room in rows of three and waited for the music to start, signaling the beginning of the performance. From behind her mask, Magdalena's eyes scanned the faces that she could see without moving her head, trying to pinpoint the Duke, but she knew not what he looked like. It did not matter though, because the music soon began.

Magdalena was in the last line of players, farthest from the King's table at the front of the room. She was thankful to not be under his judgmental gaze.

"Magdalena," Beth whispered. She was standing directly to the left of the Princess. "Victoria isn't here."

"What?" Magdalena whispered back. "But, there are nine of us."

"I don't see her in the front," Beth responded.

Magdalena tried to peer around the person in front of her while keeping up with the steps of the dance. Beth was right—there were supposed to be two male players and Victoria in the front row, but there were three males instead. The tempo quickened, signaling the climax of the masque. The players found their designated partners and formed a circle around Beth, but Magdalena was supposed to be paired with Victoria. Her eyes darted around, looking for the male player that had taken her place. Finally, the man appeared before her, and they began to dance around Beth, as planned.

"Where is Victoria?" Magdalena asked her partner in a whisper.

"She couldn't make it."

Magdalena sucked in a sharp breath, not expecting to hear that voice. "Harry, what are you doing?"

"Don't worry, I know the steps. This masque is English, remember?" he said with a smirk.

"Where is Victoria?"

"You needn't worry about her or her father anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Meet me in the gardens tonight," he said into her ear.

"I can't."

"Please. I know how to free you from the Duke."

The music slowed, marking the end of the performance. Magdalena had only seconds to respond. She glanced up at the King's table, finding a man to his right dressed in extravagant clothing. He looked to be ten years older than Magdalena and thrice the size of her. He did not even take a break from chugging wine and shoveling food into his mouth to watch the end of the masque.

As the music ended, the players all bowed to Beth, who remained in the center of the circle. It was the finale. She was out of time to think. She looked at Harry from the corner of her eyes and nodded. "Yes."

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