TrooCeR x WinDowClEanEr

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iT waS a NiGht.

AftEr thE shoRt trOocEr BloNked onTo WindOws shOoP. 

"beer love the chivalry's h're" tracer whispered like a dead omnic in window's ear

window shiver but she can't do that becasu she does cant feel 

amelie shuted. 'what the frickle frackle"

tracer narrowed her eyes and gave a inhuman smile

"im here for u to by my big tiddy goth anime gf" tracer whispered like a mf hair dryer

"oh ok that's treesonable" window said, pulling out her snooper "not" and then sh0t tracer in her pee pee

then treecer recalled like a little bootch

then one thing l3d to an00ther and uhhhhhh


emily was secrootly the loder of talooooooonn and walked in, hearing hentai 'AmEloE r U waT-"

"frickey fracky" emilee whispered loudly as a shout '

window screetched like a little baby but she can't do that because she can't not have feel

tricer then put down the d00ldo and scrooched like a 12 year old genji main in c0pm

"emilee its note what you thonk" tricer looked down at her traced dragon ball z drawing

"i think it is" emilee said then she summoned jeff 

"Hello. I am Jeff from the overwatch team. We have extremely great news We're doing a huge nerf on tracer, by completely removing her from the game. 

tracer screamed like a 12 year old playing widow trying to be kill before getting killed 1999 times by doomfsit and not getting a single headshot before disappearing from existance

"i got to go its me bood tiem" said window cleaner

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