Chapter 6

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I had never been so embarrassed in my life. Drew had just made a fool of actors in front of the whole class. I suppose no one knew yet about my theatre school and stuff but what he said was just so mean and completely unnecessary.

My next morning classes went by way too slowly. I made sure that I sat well away from Drew and Abi in all of the classes that we shared and to stay with the people I knew. Nevertheless that didn't stop me from catching them giving me horrible looks and making snide comments. Kelsey had noticed something was going on but I hadn't got a proper chance to tell her yet, so when the lunch bell finally rang I could not have been any more relieved.

I walked to the cafeteria with Michael who had been in my previous French class and we met up with the others.

"Hey Acacia," Brandon said softly, his piercing blue eyes still sympathetic.

"Hiya Brandon." I said with a small, sad smile. I was really grateful for what he did when I ran out of the class room.

"OK everyone get your lunch and then go to the usual spot. I want to know what went down in your English class." Kelsey said instructed, worry in her voice.

Everyone walked to get their food and I followed Michael to a vending machine. I wasn't really hungry so I just got a bottle of water and a packet of crisps. Not the healthiest option when I could've had an apple or something but I didn't really care at the minute.

Michael got his lunch and led me over to the grass outside of the cafeteria and to the tree where I had first met them. I sat down in between Alice and Michael.

"So, spill." Kelsey said.


"Tell me everything." she cut in.

"OK so-" I started.

"Actually no, skip to the end."

"Right-" I started impatiently.

"No actually, I want everything." she said, changing her mind.

"So I-"

"Wait, just tell me the important parts." she cut in before I got the chance.

"Kelsey! Calm down," Lily laughed, "Just tell us everything Acacia." she said softly with an encouraging smile.

"Well I got into English and My Hart made me sit by Abi and Abi told me to back off Drew and I told her I didn't like him but then he walked in with a red cheek and then we were doing Shakespeare and Drew and I and we had to do the balcony scene then we argued back but we had no choice and then we had to practise it and it was awful and Brandon said I could do better because I went to a theatre school so then Mr Hart made us perform for the class and we acted really well then Mr Hart had the drama club idea but Drew laughed and I was just like what's funny and he was mean and called actors pretentious attention seekers and then I ran but Brandon came and made it better." I blurted out in one big breath. I wasn't even sure if any of what I had just said made sense.

"What?" Alice asked, puzzled.

"Red cheek?" Michael questioned in the same tone.

"Balcony scene?" Lily exclaimed this time.

"Pretentious attention seekers?" I heard Kelsey voice this time, but the tone she said it in was different from the others. It was oddly quiet and sounded like a mix of hurt, sympathy, confusion and something else that I couldn't quite define.

"Yep." I sighed, popping the 'p'.

 "But, but we're not-we don't-" Michael protested.

"Everyone calm down, I'm going to sort this out." Brandon announced, and with that, he stormed off out of sight.

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