Chapter Eight

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Hammad's POV

 I didn’t know that when you ask for something with all your heart, and all your mind, with all the power you’re given, you get your wish granted, you get that. Well I did now. She was here. I wanted her to come. Seriously I was kind of sad, even got angry with a few friends. I tried but failed to concentrate. And the moment I got her text message that she was here, my heart beat would’ve jumped to two hundred beats per minutes. I mean that’s not even possible. Anyways, I know this was the only chance to know her well. I was not judging. I just wanted to know her. I know she was not one of those who’d fake out, yet, knowing in person was different. Besides it was her, her charisma or something. Whenever I saw her, something tickled, her voice, it sent chills, through my body. There was something. Something different. Something that made me feel like she’s the one, go grab her. She was not like any of those girls I’ve met or seen. She was someone I’ll fantasize, and yet, she crossed my list of fantasies, she fitted the highest criteria I had in my mind, yet she was someone I won’t set criteria’s for. Someone, who’d never fit them. She was way better than that. It would be a crime to call her my dream girl, she was more than that. I finally saw her, I realized I was holding my breathe. I looked at her, she was smiling, which made me smile too. I then covered the distance we had, and walked towards her.

“Hi” I said


Damn her voice!!

“How are you?”

“I’m good”

“How are you here? You said you won’t come?” I asked, not being able to hide my curiosity

“I wanted to surprise you” she said, her eyes on me.

“I had this feeling that you were coming.” I said. It was true, I just thought I was going mad.

“Oh really?” she asked as if not believing me. And smiled

 I stared at her. And I knew, I could stare at her like this forever, without getting tired of it. I took her in, through my eyes. I could swear there was magic in the air around us. And that was the moment I knew, I was in love with her, I knew she was perfect, she was the one, I knew I could spend all my life with her, I knew I wanted to grow old with her, I knew I’d want to wake up beside her every day, I knew I could give her my world, but I don’t think I would, because right at that moment she became my world. I promised myself then, I’d make her mine, I’ll make her the luckiest person alive, she’d be the queen of my kingdom..

“We’d be calling for the team members in the next fifteen minutes, be there” it was faizan who interrupted my thoughts. I literally wanted to kill him. I saw Sidra move a few steps back, giving us the space, I didn’t want.

“I’m sorry about that. A lot of work”

“I know, it’s alright” she smiled again, and damn could someone tell her to stop smiling she was squeezing my heart here.

“Thank you for coming, by the way, why’d you come? You were not supposed to. You were lying yesterday and this morning right?” I asked teasing her and trying to grab information. I wanted to hear that she came for me... God, I had to limit my wishes.

She laughed “I was not lying, I had to go someplace. I canceled it. And besides ‘conferences’ are not my thing, I just came here for you, to support you”

“You what..?” I almost said. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I just couldn’t.

“Thank you” I said. I wanted to hug her, seriously I wanted to, and she deserved it.

“So’ where exactly did you get this guy?” she asked referring to Andrew Bell

“Hired him” I told her the truth otherwise I would’ve said he runs ‘How to save a life’ in California

“You could’ve hired me”

I laughed “next time for sure”

“Seriously, I wouldn’t have let the crowd sleep” she joined me

“Listen. I got to go. I’ll be right back” I said.

She nodded and I walked away, I didn’t want to though. I wanted to go back. After almost ten minutes me along with the whole team were asked to stage, and the host accidently blurted out that all members would say a few words to the audience, and we were now paying for his mistake. Mine was the fifth turn. The crowd was already leaving. But she was exactly where I left her. They called over for me. I walked to the microphone stand, okay who’d clap for a guy like me, though I heard someone clap. I cleared my throat. Didn’t even think about saying anything while I was waiting in the line. I didn’t know how to start. Then I saw Sidra, she was here to support me, I couldn’t let her down.

“Hey, I’m Hammad, from How to save a life?” I introduced myself.

“What is my designation there, does not concerns you. But I’m not the president though” I heard a few people laugh. ‘Okay. Going good.’ I told myself

“But there’s something I know, the title, ‘How to save a life’ is pretty weird. I won’t discuss how or why? I won’t talk much, I’m told to talk less philosophy” I paused, I didn’t had to look at Sidra, at that point, because I was not facing the crowd or talking to them. I imagined I was only talking to her. That’s what got me started

“We can’t save lives. I can’t safe my life. How can I? Honestly, I even suck at saving lives at Candy Crush. Once I was confronted with this question, ‘how exactly will you save a life?’ I’ll answer that now, making life better is, in a way saving it, from the need of shelter, food, clothe, to the need of proper education, electricity, demolishing terrorism. When a few of these changes, you; feel you’re life’s saved and now, only the fear of death awaits you. Conclusion, you’re life’s saved! So the title ‘how to save a life?’ isn’t that weird. You just have to think how exactly are you going to save it?” I ended it, and smiled. Now I looked at the crowd who stared at me. I ruined it all. They stared at me like I’ve just announced Abraham Lincoln was alive. I decided to step down. Just then someone clapped, and I heard more clapping. Frankly, I didn’t stop to see. It was too late. Besides clapping’s just a formality.

I was going back to Sidra when Faison stopped me on my way,

“Hammad, what was that?”

“I don’t know” I answered. I was sure now, I’ve ruined it. I’ve let Sidra down too.

“What? It was great. You nailed it.” He almost shouted.

“Thank you” I said keeping my posture, I didn’t react at it, though from the inside, I was proud of myself. 

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