Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Sidra's POV 

“No way” I almost shouted when I saw what he held in from of me.

“Did I ever tell you how much I love you?”

“Well…” he started

“I must’ve” I interrupted. I was half mad by then. I couldn’t simply believe my eyes. First the singing, second the candle light dinner, and now this.

“I told you we’ll do it whenever we meet”

“Damn, I love you… You’re amazing” I said.

He laughed and lit the cigarette and handed it to me. I took it.

“Umm, how do you do it?”

“Well, you just smoke it in and let it out”

“Where’s the magic that it does?”

“You’ll feel it”

“You do it first” I said handing it back to him.

He shrugged as if that’s the easiest thing I asked him to do. He took it and I could see smoke all around me within a few minutes. I was simply like, ‘What sorcery is this?’

He smiled, “See it’s easy… Go ahead”

He offered it back to me, I sighed before putting it in my mouth.

“Slowly, take it in slowly”

I did what he said, and it almost chocked me to death, I didn’t know what wrong I did. But I ended up returning the cigarette to Hammad.

“This sucks” I said through my coughs

“No. it doesn’t” he laughed.

“Let me try it again” I said taking it from him

“I don’t want you to die this soon. Please”

“I made my will nothing is inherited to you” I said laughing

“Ouch. That hurts straight in the heart” he pretended being hurt.

I smiled and put the cigarette in my mouth again and yes, ended up chocking. Again.

“To hell with it” I said and gave it to him, and stared at him smoking easily.

“What kind of sorcery is this?” I finally asked

He laughed “This is awesome. At least I get to smoke some after three years”

“Yeah, yeah… My mouth tastes like its burnt.”

It did taste bad; I don’t know why I ever wanted to try that.

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