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I'd been lying in bed all day, the blankets draped over my naked body. My hands carelessly laid on my belly, sinking into the blankets. My head rested against a thick fluffy pillow, which leaned up against the end of the bed. My hair was a big mess, covering most of the pillow and my bare shoulders. My eyes, probably hypnotizing, just stared..

I had been staring for a couple of hours now. No idea at what actually. At nothing. I noticed everything around me. The white, dirty walls, the clean white sheets, the old white tiles. The closet was white, the curtains were white, letting most of the light get through. Even my bed was white. Everything in this room was white, but everything had its own shade. It didn't matter how hard they had tried - nothing fit together. It was one big mess.

How long had I been here? It could be days, weeks, years even. I had absolutely no idea, I had lost all sense of time. The days flew by, unnoticed. Everything was the same here. A cycle you repeated - every day, every week, every month. It drove you crazy. That happens when people put you in a place where you are treated like you actually are crazy. You start to believe you're crazy, start to act like you're crazy. Then you just go insane. That's it, that's the end.

I grabbed onto my head and screamed out, my spine bending as if in deep pain. The scream coming from my mouth was nothing more than a hollow, empty sound in this place. Nothing more than pain coming to the surface. I wasn't insane, was I? No. No, I wasn’t insane. This place made me insane.

MENTAL // luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now