Chapter 23: Reaching an Understanding

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"River" someone shakes me awake. "Mm hm." I mumble, rolling over. "River! Get up!" I open my eyes sleepily and see Lily standing over me, her red hair falling over her face. "Lily?" I ask her, sitting up. Her emerald eyes are wide and she looks flustered. "What is it Lils?" I repeat. "McGonagal's looking for you.. River, Remus is in the hospital wing." She looks like she's about to cry. "What? Why? Since when?" I ask, getting up and throwing on a pair of jeans. "I don't know, she just told me.. To get you and bring you to the Hospital Wing." I nod, heading for the door an running down into the common room. Lily is close behind me, and we find McGonagal at the portrait hole. "What's going on Professor?" I ask her, and she looks at me without answering, beckoning to follow her. We walk quickly and briskly through the halls, and I realise how early it still is, classes not started yet. When we reach the hospital wing, McGonagal turns and looks at me gravely. "I want you to understand that you're brother is very sick and can't have anyone worrying him. And no loud noises. But I suspected you'd want to see him, Lupin." "I do." I tell her forcefully, pushing the doors open. Looking around wildly, my eyes land one of the occupied beds. I can't see Remus, but James, Peter and Sirius are around the sides and foot of the bed. James is arranging sweets and chocolate around the little table and Sirius is sitting in a chair beside him, Peter standing beside Remus. They look up and we stare at each other for a minute before I rush over, Lily beside me. Madam Pomfrey strides over, holding a potion. She explains about Remus being asleep, but he could wake up, and she assures me that he'll be just fine in a few days. I nod and rush over to Remus, pushing past Sirius and James. Remus is pale and sick looking, his hair is messy and a long scar runs down his face, over his eye and nose and his mouth. "Oh my.." Lily breathes, coming up behind me. I stare at Remus, and Sirius stands up behind me, offering me the chair. Wordlessly, I sit down and keep my eyes on Remus. And that's how I stay.


As evening draws nearer, my stomach rumbles and I realise how hungry I am. "River, you're starved, you need to eat something." James says quietly. The three boys have stayed by Remus all day, although Lily had to leave earlier. "I'm fine." I tell him quietly. Sirius sits gently on the edge of the bed near me. "River.. You okay?" I nod, taking Remus' hand gently. "He'll be fine y'know." James tells me, smiling and lightening the mood. Again, I nod, smiling this time. "And about that fight we had.." He trails off. "It doesn't matter James. Seriously. I don't even care about the fight, just so long as Remus is okay." James nods and lowers his eyes. I look at Remus, the sunlight on his face as his brown eyes flutter open. He mutters slightly, an incomprehensible mumble. Then he blinks and sits up slightly, wincing. "Remus?" I ask, sitting forward a bit. "Hi." He smiles at me. "What are you doing here?" He asks me, confused. "Oh Remus, don't be stupid! You're my brother and you're in hospital, of course I was going to come here!" I laugh at his modesty. "So you're not mad at me?" He says quietly. I resist the urge to roll my eyes at him, smiling. "Of course I'm not mad! You guys are my best friends!"

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