Chapter 24: Christmas Eve

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Remus is released from the Hospital Wing a few days later. "Lily, come on, please come with me and see Remus out of the Hospital Wing. Pllleeeeease?" I whine at her. I haven't seen Remus since the first day he was there, Madam Pomfrey having banned me, James and Sirius for eating the sweets, knocking over a potion and causing an argument with three uptight Ravenclaw girls. "Fine, but for you and Remus, okay?" Lily says, reluctant to come because of James. "Obviously! And don't worry, you have my full permission to hex James if he harasses you." Lily laughs, walking through the hallway with me. Of course, James asks her out numerous times over the next while, but Lily doesn't have quite the temper to hex him for it.


"I love Christmas." I sigh as I sit down beside Sirius in the Great Hall. Twelve tall Christmas trees line the walls, and candles hang all over the room like Halloween. Baubles and decorations hang all around the castle, and even the teachers are in better moods than usual. "Me too." Peter adds happily. "Christmas Ever at Hogwarts is great!" James grins as he piles food on his plate.


"Can I talk to you?" Sirius mutters to me as we head back to the common room. "Sure.." I say, giving him a look. "Meet me at midnight in the common room." He says quietly, then runs after some girl he was talking to.


"Sirius." I hiss. The common room is dark, but the fire burns brightly and casts shadows on the walls. Cosy. "Sirius." I repeat. "Here." Sirius says, stepping out of one of the shadows. "Why did you want to meet me?" I ask, sitting down. "I wanted to.. Discuss what happened in the forest." He says, his voice awkward as he rubs the back of his neck. "In the forest?" I raise my eyebrows. "Oh Sirius, that was a while ago, I don't even know." I groan, rolling my eyes. "Ye but it's important!" He says, sitting down next to me. "Okay, what do you want to know?.." I ask slowly. "Well.. Why were you out there?" l wanted to go for a walk, and it seemed like a good place. Why were you?" I ask the last bit defensively. "Because.. Okay did you see the stag?" His voice is hurried and quiet. "Ye, why? What was going on?" I ask him as a frown creases above my eyes. "The stag.. It's James." Sirius continues running the back of his neck. "James?.." I say slowly, trying to comprehend what he's telling me. "Yes." He nods. "James is an animagus. You do know what that is, ye?" He asks. "Of course I do!" I snap. "I just.. How? And why?" "Well.. We became animagi earlier this year to.. So we could go out at night without getting caught." He grins awkwardly. "We?" I ask quietly. "Ye, me, and James and Peter." "And not Remus?" "No.." He shakes his head softly. "Why not Remus?" I ask him. "Oh just.. No reason." His voice is wavering, as if he's unsure. "Don't lie Sirius! Even Remus couldn't resist that, he's not that goody goody." My voice rises and he shushes me gently. "So you were?.." "The dog. The black dog." He do she's for me. "Wow." I laugh softly, pushing my hair back. "I don't believe it.." "Neither did we, at first." Sirius smiles. "So James?.." "The stag." I nod. "And Peter is.. The rat?" I ask, and again, he nods. Then the truth dawns on me. My hand flies to my mouth before I whisper. "So the werewolf?.. It was.." My voice trails off and my hand swings back at my side. "It was who?.." Sirius asks gently. "Remus." I whisper, tears springing up in my eyes. Sirius nods gently and takes my hand, trying to sooth me as I shake gently with sobs. "I'm sorry, I'm being dramatic." I whisper. "No, don't be sorry, you're not being dramatic." He whispers, pulling me towards his chest. "I just.. I feel so bad, I never even realised." I sigh. "Ye but on the bright side he's got us to cheer him up with our amazing presence. Well.. Mainly me." I laugh quietly, smiling at Sirius. The clock stokes midnight in the corner of the common room and Sirius stands up, the two of us walking towards the stairs. The clock is still ringing in the background, and Sirius is holding my hand gently. He turns suddenly and bends his head, looking into my eyes. "Merry Christmas River." He whispers, before pressing his lips to mine softly and gently, lingering for a minute beige walking away. "Merry Christmas Sirius."

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