Chapter 12: Practice

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Over the next few days, my relationship with both Sirius and Remus becomes increasingly awkward. Remus, being my protective brother, lectures Sirius as they walk towards me and the girls at breakfast one morning. It's been four days since Remus kicked me out of their room, because I fell on top of Sirius.. And didn't get back up. But that's not the point. Since then, Remus has almost completely stopped talking to me, the only questions being "Did you get any post?" He walks away after that, not giving me time to explain anything. I had never taken him to be irrational or unreasonable, but he being both now. As they walk towards me, I look up hopefully. I haven't sat with them since the third day of school, sitting with Lily or Regulus and Severus. "Moony, I told you already, you're being stupid!" Sirius' voice drifts towards me. "Careful how you word this Sirius." Remus warns him, looking stern. "Look, I'm telling you she fell and I caught her and-" Sirius stops talking when he sees me looking at them. "Can we sit here?" "Not at all, sit down." I tell them. James smiles smugly at Remus, then piles food onto his plate. "So our room is clean." Remus tells me. "That's good, it was a complete mess before." I nod, eating toast. Remus chuckles slightly, and I smile to myself, knowing everything was back to normal.


"River!" Sirius greets me from across the hall. "Hey." I tell him, pulling my cloak around me to suppress a shiver. The days have become colder and colder as Autumn comes nearly to an end. The leaves have started to fall off the trees and even the Whomping Willow shivers in the wind now. "Cold?" He asks me, falling into step as we go to divination, the last class if the day. Sirius seems to have completely forgotten about our encounter in his room. Even though it was last month, I still remember it clearly.. "Ye. On the bright side, Halloween is soon." I shrug. "Speaking if which, I was wondering if you wanted to get in on our.. Halloween joke." he says slowly. "Ye, that's a great idea! Sound fun!" I tell him enthusiastically. Sirius grins, his stormy eyes lighting up. Leaning forward suddenly, he grabs my hand and pulls me around the corner. "What?" I ask him, snatching my hand back. "Sshh, Peeves is here." He whispers at me, looking out into the corridor. "The ghost?" "Poltergeist." He corrects me, looking anxious. "He's not that bad, surely?" "No, but I'll get the blame for whatever he does!" "Here." I say, grabbing his hand and running down the opposite corridor. "Where are we going?" "Anywhere away from him." I whisper urgently. Sirius pulls me to right, into the entrance hall and out into the grounds. "Sirius where are we-" "Shh" he frowns at me, still holding my hand and leading me through the grounds. "Sirius, it's cold." I whine, following him and trying to ignore the wind. "It'll be fine, just follow me." We walk in silence for another minute or two, him gripping my hand and walking in front. "We're going to the quidditch pitch!" I say incredulously, my voice breathless. "Maybe.." He smirks. We enter the pitch and Sirius lets go of my hand, conjuring two brooms. I stare at him in slight awe, before snapping out of it. He grins at me, then conjures a quaffle and bludger, chucking it to me. I put my hands in front of my chest and catch it, smiling. "Here." He tells me, throwing me a broomstick. "We're not really supposed to be here y'know.." He says slowly, letting me know. "Pffttt who cares?" I ask, jumping on the broom and holding the quaffle tight under an arm. "Okay, you want to try out for team?" He asks, kicking into the air. "I think so." I tell him, following. My broomstick is steady and calm, even in the wind, and I grin at Sirius, my black hair shining and landing in my face. "Okay, well then we can practice." He says, looking serious. (A/N: It's so hard not make these puns, I'm sorry.) "Sure" I nod, going higher and throwing him the ball. "You said beater didn't you?.." He asks, waving his wand slightly and muttering. "Yes." I tell him, seeing the bat fly up behind him. Grinning broadly, I catch it, and watch as Sirius throws the bludger away. "Le's go." Sirius says, leaning low on the broomstick and flying away. I head for the other end of the pitch, narrowing my eyes against the bright October sun. Sirius catches my eye, hitting the quaffle towards me. Raising my bat, I smack it right in the centre of the ball. It flies quickly towards Sirius, who dodges it, just about. Laughing at is face, I fly towards the goals. Sirius has caught the quaffle, and throws it in my direction, trying to distract me. I catch it, gripping my broom with one hand. "Okay, throw it back to me!" He tells down the pitch. Nodding, I fling it towards him. The quaffle lands way off course, making it halfway before falling slightly and looking pathetic. "Definitely don't try out for keeper or chaser!" He laughs, catching it. "Well, I'm trying to focus on being a beater!" I tell him, raising my bat. I clench my fist tightly around the heavy bat and hear a satisfying smack as it connects with the bludger. Me and Sirius spend the rest of the day out there, hitting bludgers at each other and laughing. Classes have well ended by the time we get back to the castle, and I laugh suddenly. In the hurry of getting away from Peeves, and the fun of playing quidditch, I completely forgot we both skipped divination.

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