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Lee Jihyuns POV

"Mom, how many times are you gonna go out today?"

"As many times as I want."


Monday's  6:18PM,  12/08/18

I woke up. A banging noise clashed against my ears. The whole house shaking frantically. I pulled the covers over me more. They woke me up from my nap. Again. I told them that this nap was important to me. I needed it so I could get rest for a huge interview.

I heard my mother screaming downstairs. Sometimes, I didn't know if it was my father she was screaming at. It could have been another man. I bit the side of my cheek as I slowly pushed the covers off of me. I stood up, trying not to make the springs on the bed crack, and slipped on my shoes. I noticed when I stood up that the mirror in front of me revealed some joggers and a black long sleeved shirt on me. I guess I could go out like this. Joggers are for boys, some would say. Yet, when your me, I could wear anything and call it women's clothing.

Picking up my cellphone from under my pillow, I slipped it in the bottom pocket of my pants. I hated the sound of people arguing every day. Every single day, it was a new man. It got annoying. I was sick and tired of it.

I ignored my hair and didn't brush it at all. I walked drowsily across the floor to the staircase, slamming my door back so my mother knew I was awake.

"I'm not" My mother paused. "Drunk!" she yelled out.

How could she get so drunk in the morning like this? It was a pain. I stumbled downstairs quickly, as I realised my mother usually said this when she was going to hit someone. I couldn't face another charge for her. She couldn't either.

"Ma!" I yelled out, trying to stop her before I even got to her.

I met the end of the stairs. Oh god the scene. Bed covers all across the floor, a couple beer cans and a liquor bottle setting in the middle counter. A light bulb smash to bits, every piece in a different area of the house. Cigarette burns on every piece of furniture that was made of fabric. My mother. There stood my mother, with a man I never seen before slamming my door and storming out the room. It wasn't his fault. He didn't know he was getting into this.

My mother throwed herself on the couch with a lighter in her hand, almost instantly falling asleep, or passing out for the night.

I grabbed the lighter from her hand and threw it on the table. I headed to the kitchen and sighed.  Eating won't help. I should go back to bed. Bed is where I usually took myself when everything was wrong.

Kim Taehyungs POV

Monday 6:36PM,  12/08/18

"Did you kill him?" Yoongi asked, kicking the corpse on the dry concrete ground. "Nah retard. He's just fucking laying there with blood gushing out of him." Namjoon remarked.

I chuckled as another life was tooken as fast as a bow being shot from an arrow. The third one today. This one was a threat to us. They saw something they shouldn't have. They saw... Well... Us.

Anyone who saw us were a threat. Three bodies in a day was rare. We usually are more sly than this.

The wind roared as Jungkook, the youngest, threw the body in the trashcan. He took off his tainted gloves and threw them in there to, while he decorated the other one to hang off the can. "Jeng Shi." He said smiling. "Whom we framed." He walked up with the group and we gradually enjoyed our kill. Another day.

I didn't really like seeing lives be taken. Yet, I found it calming once it was over. Once I killed the person. It was fun shooting out of the new guns, throwing the knives and all that good stuff, just hurts after the body hits the ground.

"You guys hear that?" Hoseok said as he paused.

"No.." Jin said as the rest of us shook our heads too.

"That! Listen!" He said then shushed us.

"Hoseok, if you dont stop playing. Lets go-"

I then heard it.

We were stopped in front of a brown colored house. A two story one. It was more ragged near the bottoms. A slight yelling could be heard. Screaming that seemed terrifying even to us.

"What the hell?" Jin was shocked.

Hoseok was brave enough to go up to the window and peak through it. I followed behind him as the rest waited for our report.

We saw a girl. A girl and another girl, that was older, maybe her mother. The younger girl was crying. It seemed like the oldest was yelling at her for something. She had a glass bottle in her hand. She was about to throw it too. The scene was heartbreaking. The younger girl looked no older than fifteen. Long black hair, black pants, and a black top too. I watched as the woman kept yelling. "Should we interfere?" I whispered to Hoseok. Hoseok held up a hand which meant he said to wait a second.

The woman threw the bottle.

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