Chapter 29

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*Zayn’s P.O.V*

Liam and Georgia were coming back on tour today.

Georgia and I had broken up just over a month ago, but I was moving on. I still loved her, but now it was more like a sister.

Lou and I had been going to the pubs in Ireland a bit since Niall and Harry were off with their girls. Eleanor had a few things to do back home, she had left two days ago and wouldn’t meet back up with us for two weeks; by then we would be in Paris.

Our tour still had a month left, so we’d be back home before long, but who knows; I might meet someone before the end of the tour.

*Brooke’s P.O.V*

I woke up next to Niall. He was amazing. I could get used to this, well; I probably should since I’m going to be spending the rest of my life with him.

My god we had fallen hard and fast, 7 months together and we’re engaged. I sometimes wondered if we were rushing into things, but I guess, that’s what the extended engagement is for; in case one of us gets cold feet. I don’t think either of us will though, I can’t talk for Nialler, but I have NEVER felt this way about another person. I love him, with all my heart.

I then realised what a mess we had made of our room last night. There were clothes everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. My bra and underwear were hanging from the fan, there was my dress and his pants on the dresser, shoes in a corner, Niall’s shirt and boxers in various spots on the floor. I began to giggle at the thought of what a wild night it had been.

“Good morning gorgeous” I heard an incredibly sexy Irish voice say from beside me.

I turned my head and looked at his crystal blue eyes, I was in such a bubbly mood that morning, that the only rational response I could come up with was, “Nialler, baby. Don’t you know that talking to yourself is one of the first signs of being insane?” I laughed. He couldn’t help but laugh too.

I kissed him as he wrapped his arm around my bare waist and pulled me towards him.

“But, good morning.” I smiled as we finally broke apart.

“Breakfast? Oh wait silly question, I AM talking to Niall Horan” I smirked.

“That would be great, I’m starving” he chuckled as he pecked me on the lips. I rolled out of bed and stepped into the bathroom, slipping on some clean underwear on one of Niall’s t-shirts, which of course would be too big on me, but I didn’t care – it smelt like him.

“When aren’t you?” I laughed.

I wandered from the bathroom, through the bedroom and into the kitchen. I began to cook bacon and eggs from the supplies we had bought yesterday, making sure to cook extra because I knew Niall would eat it. I laughed to myself. Cooking for this boy is going to be very…. Interesting.

I felt a pair of arms grab around me and spin me around… and around… and around. I accidently knocked a bowl off the bench. Niall put me down immediately. We looked at each other and just burst out laughing. I seriously could hardly breathe. Niall’s laugh… oh daym. My favourite thing about him, well, beside Horan Hugs. The rest of him is perfect too, but his laugh is contagious. He got a dust pan and broom and swept up the mess as I finished cooking our food. I took it over to the table and he sat down and absolutely wolfed down his food. You’d swear he hadn’t eaten in a week, but it made me laugh.

I went into the bedroom after we cleaned up and decided to get dressed and go see Kiara. I put on a bra and some jeggings. I was looking through my suitcase for a shirt, but I couldn’t find one that I particularly wanted to wear today, so I decided on sticking to Niall’s moustache shirt.

“Hey babe, are you going to come see Haz and Karara with me?” I asked as I walked towards our door. Niall just nodded and jumped over the back of the lounge that was between us, before pecking me on the lips. I blushed a little and we headed down the hall to Harry and Kiara’s room.

I knocked on the door and waited… nothing. I knocked again, I really hoped we weren’t interrupting anything, you know… sexual.

Kiara finally opened the door. Her hair was a mess and she was in her pyjamas but she had THE BIGGEST smile plastered across her face.

“Oh, hey guys come in” she smiled. It was actually kinda starting to creep me out a little.

*Harry’s P.O.V*

Kiara and I, well, let’s just say that we were… energetic.

I was so happy that she liked the date that I had planned out for her last night. It was meant to be a special night because we hadn’t really gone out on many dates, being on tour and all, but since Liam was away, visiting Georgia and accompanying her back to the tour, we had a few days free. Now had been my chance.

Kiara and I hadn’t slept much last night, but who need sleep when you have sex as amazing as THAT! Anyway, point is, we were awake when there was a knock at the door. We were kissing. Just kissing, but kissing Kiara was like magic, it was something I had never experienced before.

We had gotten up and put some clothes on to make breakfast when we got caught up in the moment. My hands were around her lower back and she had he arms around my neck as she played with the curls on the back on my head.

She was straddling my waist as we sat on the end of the bed when we heard the knock. She began to pull away.

“Babe, just ignore it, they’ll go away” I whispered as I pulled her in closer.

“Harold, what if it’s important?” she smirked at me.

There was a second knock.

“See?” she laughed and she went over to open the door.

I heard her from the bedroom. It was Niall and Brooke. I walked out to join them and get some breakfast.

“Hey, Harry. We weren’t interrupting anything were we?” Brooke giggled. And I nudged her playfully as I walked past her and grabbed the breakfast stuff, setting it on the table.

“So are you girls excited for Georgia coming back then?” I asked through a mouthful of cornflakes.

“YES!” Brooke yelled bouncing on the sofa.

“Are you kidding Harry? Of course we are! But don’t pretend you aren’t too” Kiara giggled.

It was true that I missed her. She was a great person to talk to; she was kind of a female version of Liam, but not as uptight. Most of the time, anyway.

We chatted for a while, and then decided to go and see Zayn and Louis. We headed to the local Starbucks first though, to get some coffee for them, knowing that they would probably be hung over from last night.

A/N thanks to all those that are reading :D it means so much to me. i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! more to come soon!

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