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I loved the new episode of Riverdale. I'm totally in love with young Alice / Lili and young Fp / Cole look. I loved how they let KJ's hair maintain their natural color and I know that many people agree. So I'm going to let Archie keep KJ's tender hair (because I think it looks sexy). If you do not mind, then he is redheaded. 

I know that many still believe this will be exactly like the episode 3x4 of Riverdale. But I can say that it will not be like episode 3x4. I only use the idea of detention and G & G.

But everyone has to agree that Fp / Cole / Jughead looks awesome in bulldogs team jacket. It makes him look so hot. And I mean damn so sexy. And as they make his hair in backslik with a little paw hanging. I die. I by the way die of how hot and hot he is.

And Alice / Lili / Betty with long hair i faint. She is so hot. I love that flowery top she has. And the outfit she had at the funeral. I LOVE IT!

My favorite part of the 3x4 is enough when they fight in the girls' bathroom and every Falice part. Please write your product part of 3x4 in comments.

Do not forget to vote and read my other works.

-Love from me to you all.

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