Calum; Sad Ending

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You've been waiting on Calum to get home from recording since 10:00, but it's now midnight when he bursts through the door.

"Hey Y/N!" he called, walking into the living room, where you sat.

"Hi" you reply, not as excitedly as him. He's never this pumped after a recording session..

"Babe, what's wrong?" he asked you, kneeling down to where he's eye-level with you.

"Nothing, I'm just tired, I never stay up this late" you told him. He nodded and carried you up to your shared bedroom and he tucked you in the covers.

"Good night baby girl" he said, kissing your cheek

"Good night Calum" you reply before drifting off IMO a deep sleep..


You wake up the next morning to hear the shower running, Calum is in the shower. You look around the room, wondering if you should tell him now, when suddenly his phone goes off. A Kik message pops up onto his lock screen

'Hey baby, ready for tonight? ;)'

Your hear instantly fell and broke into pieces, you couldn't believe he was cheating on you!

With tears streaming down your face, you pack up your things and put them by the door.

You went into the kitchen to write him a note to say you were leaving, but you heard footsteps behind you and you touch the pen to the paper.

"Shit" you curse yourself for not being quick,

"Y/N what are you doing?" Calum asked you, you could hear in his voice that he was about to cry. You turn around with tears still flowing down your face.

"You're cheating, so I'm leaving." you said more confidently than you thought you'd be able to. He looked puzzled, so you elaborate more.

"'CalsSexSlave' wanted to know if you'll be ready tonight." You say, and take your things outside and into your car. You could hear him calling your name as you back out of the drive way, you take one last glance at him before driving away.

~~~~5 years later~~~~~

You still keep in touch with Luke and Michael but Ash grew apart from the guys when he moved to America to be with his wife.

"Mommy, mommy! Can we please go visit Uncle Lukey! Please?" you're 4 year old daughter jumps up and down tugging on your shirt. You look down at her a smile.

"Yes we can, Emma" and you and her walked down the block to Luke's house.

Emma reminded you a lot of yourself, but also a lot of Calum.. she had the same big, chocolate brown eyes as he did, and his lips. But everything else looked like you, her nose, hair, and face shape. She even got your short genes. You felt bad for her, because her only father figure would be Luke and Michael. But soon only Luke, because Mikey was moving to New Zealand with his wife and son.

You let Emma knock on Luke's door. You heard him chuckling as he opened the door.

"Lukey!!" Emma yells and hugs his legs as tight as she can. You let out a small laugh and walk inside.

"Oh, Y/N, I forgot to mention that Calum is in town. He's not here, but he's stopping by tonight with his girlfriend. You shudder, you haven't dated anyone since Calum in those 5 years of being apart.

"Oh..well I definitely don't want him meeting my baby girl" you tell him, lightly playing with her hair as you sat next to Luke on the couch.

"Me I was thinking that maybe you could move in with me? Not like relationship or anything, just so it's easier on you and me to help support you and Emma. Please, it'd be a pleasure. You can sleep in the room next to mine and Emma in the one at the end of the hall." Luke said, happiness glowing around him

"Of course." you say back, and Emma looked at both of you with a giant smile.

"We get to live with Uncle Lukey!!!!" Emma exclaims, and you heard a noise behind you.

"No" you say to yourself. You or Luke hadn't noticed Calum walk into the himself..

"Where your girl?" Luke asked as you kept your eyes on Emma, who was pulling at your cheeks softly.

"We broke up yesterday" he said coldly. He stepped closer until he was standing in front of you..

"Who's this?" he points at Emma..

"My daughter"

"So you've got a husband/boyfriend and you're moving in with Luke? Is he not financially stable enough to help care for you?" he says coldly, hatred in his eyes. You let a tear fall and reply,

"She's your kid, Calum. And I can't support me and her by myself, so Luke has offered. Is there a problem?" you say, motioning for Luke to take Emma out of the room.

Calum just stood there, his eyes softened, mouth agape. He came in to hug you but you stopped him.

"No, I don't need you anymore. I'm going to stay a single mom for a long time." And you walked out, you grabbed Emma and took her with you to pack her things to move into Luke's house.

Tears were streaming down your face because of him yet again.

So first imagine, what do you think? It didn't turn out how I planned it to, but oh well. I like it :)

~Bre <3

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