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"What?" you say, tears stinging your eyes as your boyfriend says the words you never thought he'd say...

"I don't think we're going to work, Y/N" he tells you again, causing your heart to break even more.

"So this is it? Those 3 years just thrown away because you're not willing to try?" you want to scream at him, but you try to keep calm and collected.

"I wouldn't say 'thrown away'...look, babe, you'll find someone else I know it. Your soul mate, I, unfortunately, am not it. But I have an idea of who.." he responded, trying to make you feel better. Even if he was breaking up with you, he still didn't want to hurt you and was trying to make this as painless as he could.



"Y/Full/N, meet Ashton Irwin. Ashton, this is Y/N" your now ex-boyfriend says, introducing you to the tall, Australian boy.

"Hi Y/N, um, you're beautiful.." Ashton says awkwardly, blushing slightly. Causing your cheeks to turn bright red,

"Um, t-thanks A-Ashton, you're b-beautiful too" you manage to stutter out.

Hey guys! Um, so this kind of sucks, but I wanted to update and yeah..

Lol anyway, I've been so busy, I'm surprised I've gotten 2 updates this week...

Thanks for reading these!! I love you all <3

~Bre xx

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