Chapter one

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Stepping through the door of Grimmauld place felt like walking through a ghost. It was cold in the house and deathly silent.

Suppressing a shiver, I crept down the the corridor towards the kitchen.

Suddenly, I heard a great crashing noise from behind me followed by several curse words.

I spun around to see Fred in a heap on the floor and George dying of laughter. I snorted and stepped towards him to help Fred up. But I ended up on the floor as well.

'Your too heavy!' I cried, almost shaking with laughter.

'Well, I'm sorry, it's all my muscles' He replied sarcastically.

'Yeah, the muscles you worked so had for!' Snorted George.

'Oh, hush George! Just because your not as toned as me,' Fred replied.

Rolling my eyes at the two of them, I stood up.

And carried on.

I started in sirius' bedroom. It had letters stacked up in a box I took them and put them in my bag. I also found an old Gryffindor blanket that I thought Harry might like so I stuffed that in my bag to. I then found three huge trunks inside the wardrobe, one was his, one was my mums and one was my dads. I shrunk them and placed them in my bag as well.

I then went to the room I used while here and found anything I may have forgotten as well as one of Ginny's jumpers,  a hairband belonging to Lily and Hermione left a book.

I then went to the kitchen, collecting the mugs in which the order had, each mug had their owners name on so I took them to give back.

Then I found Fred and George in the living room.

'I'm ready to go,' I said quietly.

They nodded simultaneously and kept up.

Fred grabbed hold of my hand and I felt a weird feeling shoot up my arm. Ignoring it I wrapped my fingers wrong his own and nodded.

He apperated.

My lungs squished together and I swear my heart stopped beating, we landed in Diagon Ally in front of Fred and George's joke shop.

It was amazing, there were colours everywhere and a huge figure performing magic.

'This is amazing!' I cried. 'You two are geniuses!'

'We know,' They replied together.

I went inside and looked around.

'Love potions?' I examined the bright pink bottles.

'Yep!' Fred Said. 'They really do work.'

I frowned at them, thinking about the possibility's of them going wrong.

'Next!' I said loudly.

'What? Your not impressed by them?' George cried indignantly.

'I'm impressed by them, I just don't like them.' I say, walking away, towards their sweet section.

They followed me, pointing out their different sweets, like puking pastilles or Ton-tongue toffee.

After I had explored the whole shop, they showed me to my room.

I was having Fred's room while Fred stayed in with George.

I placed my bags down by the end of the bed and opened the bag I used for searching sirius's house.

Sitting on the bed, I pulled out the three trunks I found in the top bedroom.

I pulled one towards me and resized it.

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