Chapter 15

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When I woke, we were surrounded by presents. Ones that were for later seeing as we were in the living room but beside us sat our stockings.

I woke Fred with a kiss on the lips, which he smiled groggily at as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

I took my stocking and rushed up to Harry and Ron's room so that I could open it with them.

Ron was holding a big, ugly, gold necklace saying 'my sweetheart' in big letters and Harry was laughing his arse off on his bad.

I spluttered at the doorway and reached for the locket so I could inspect it.

Unsurprisingly, Ron yanked it away and stuffed it under his pillow.

Nice," Harry said. "Classy. You should definitely wear it in front ol Fred and George."

"If you tell them," said Ron, "I - I - I'll -"

"Stutter at me?" said Harry, grinning. "Come on, would I?"

"No, but I would" I snickered.

"How could she think I'd like something like that, though?" Ron demanded of thin air, looking rather shocked.

"Well, think back," said Harry. "Have you ever let it slip that you'd like to go out in public with the words 'My Sweetheart' round your neck?"

"Well... we don't really talk much," said Ron. "It's mainly . . ."

"Snogging," I said, sitting on Harry's bed.

"Well, yeah," said Ron. He hesitated a moment, then said, "Is Hermione really going out with McLaggen?"

"I dunno," said Harry. "They were at Slughorn's party together, but I don't think it went that well."

Ron looked slightly more cheerful as he delved deeper into his stocking.

My presents included a dark green sweater with a large Letter H  worked onto the front, hand-knitted by Mrs. Weasley, a large box of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes products from the George, a camera from Fred so I could document all my memories, Harry got me an adorable basket full of little things he collected over the years that were special to him. Everything else was books, and sweets.

I gave Harry one of our dads sweatshirts which I had found when I went to our first home.

Now, sat in front of Harry was a box, addressed to him from Kreacher.

Harry stared at it. "D'you reckon this is safe to open?" he asked.

"Can't be anything dangerous, all our mail's still being searched at the Ministry," replied Ron, though he was eyeing the parcel suspiciously.

"I didn't think of giving Kreacher anything. Do people usually give their house-elves Christmas presents?" asked Harry, prodding the parcel cautiously.

"Hermione would," I said. "But let's wait and see what it is before you start feeling guilty."

A moment later, Harry had given a loud yell and leapt out of his camp bed; the package contained a large number of maggots. "Nice," said Ron, roaring with laughter. "Very thoughtful."

"I'd rather have them than that necklace," said Harry, which sobered Ron up at once.

Everybody was wearing new sweaters when they all sat down for Christmas lunch, everyone except Fleur (on whom, it appeared, Mrs. Weasley had not wanted to waste one) and Mrs. Weasley herself, who was sporting a brand-new midnight blue witch's hat glittering with what looked like tiny starlike diamonds, and a spec-tacular golden necklace.

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