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Selena's POV:

"harry?" i asked, he looked at me "what-what are you doing here?" i asked "i got a call from officer murray, the killers escaped" he said "i know, he told me" i said "selena" "no wait, harry, i need to tell you something, but, just not here" i said, i grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the police station

We were out

"whats up? whats wrong?" he asked "i got a message" i said "yeah, i get them too" he said "no, harry! from one of the killers" i said, he gasped "who was it? why? when?" he asked "i dont know who, they messaged me yesterday and umm" i said "what? what? selena whats going on?" he asked "they are" i said looking into his green sad eyes, i could tell he was crying, with the tear stains "nothing, their going to leave us alone, they have nothing to do with us no more" i said "ok, thats good" i said "how did they get your number?" he asked "they didnt messaged me, they messaged julio's phone" i said "by the way louis is looking for you" i said leaving

I went into my car and drove home "selena" i heard harry yell, i stopped and drove back, i took a deep breathe, i need to watch harry, i need him to be safe, i dont know how to make him go home and be safe, i looked at him "you should go home, harry! i dont need you in my life anymore" i said, and drove off.

As much as that hurted me to say, because i DO need him in my life, i WANT him in my life, but i just want him to go home, cry in his pillow and be SAFE

Harrys POV:

I hoped into my car and drove home. 

At home:

I got in and heard louis

"HARRY!" louis yelled, i turned to look at him, i looked up at his hair, then back at him mad face, i tried holding it in, but laughed my ass off! "louis, you look very, very uhh..bright!" i said laughing, "you little dipshit! you did this!" he yelled "sorry, it'll wash off" he said "oh! i tried! it didnt go off, its PERMANENT!!" he yelled, i laughed harder walking away from him. I sat on the couch "you better watch your back" he said, as he went upstairs

It was finally night time, i got ready for bed, until i heard my phone beeping, i grabbed it, i had 3 annonymous messages

"puppy saver? huh?" "can you save your ex?"  "to bad, she doesnt need you in her life"

I dropped my phone, it dinged once more, i picked it up and read it "look out" it said.

I turned around and everything went blank

Selena's POV:

I was about to go to bed, i was just making a nice tea, with some cookies, for a little bed time snack. I turned on my tv and placed my cookies on my lap.

I put channel 36, and saw that The Big Bang Theory was on. I began to eat up my food until i heard my house phone ringing, i looked at my drawer, that was in the corner in the dark. i got up and went to it, i picked up "hello?" i said, their was no answer, i checked to see if they hung up, but it said that they were still online "hello?" i said,they hung up.

I put the phone down. I waited to see if they would call again, but they didnt, i went back to my bed and layed down. I turned down the tv, i wasnt focusing on it. I heard a phone dinging. 

It was coming from my phone, i went for it and grabbed it. I opened my bag up and it was julios phone. I kind of got nervous. I checked the message that was from blocked number.

I opened up the message and read it

"its a good thing your not together, so i dont think you would mind that i have your 'ex' all to my bloody self" it said

I dropped the phone and moaned in disgust, i felt like my whole world was spinning. I couldnt breath, my eyes were getting watery


I ran for the house phone and called the cops "HELLO?" I yelled "hello Officer Murray speaking how may i serve you?" he said "MY BOYFRIEND IS KIDNAPPED!" i yelled as i was sobbing through the phone "ok, and how do you know, were you with him" "NO! I got a message th-through my phone from the killers THEY GOT HIM! HES GOING TO DIE IF I DONT DO SOMETHING! THEY HAVE HARRY I NEED HELP!" i cried "ok, we got this under control, was it your brothers best friend?" he asked "yes!" i yelled "ok, i got a picture, dont worry, we'll do anything to get him" he said, i calmed down as he was talking "okay, we're going to get him back" he said, i stopped crying and went serious "so will i" i said, i hung up


Hiii ! 

Do you guys mind that i updated earlier? Good.

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