Too Far Zeke...

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I don't need to make the run down of what has happened. Just read the book.

*growing weaker*


Zeke: Well, your master should have listened. Now he will know true suffering *chuckles*

*falls limp*

Zeke: *Spirit of Fire throws me to the ground*

*lands with a loud crash*

Amidamaru: Master Yoh! *flies beside me*

Morty: *stops in front of me and tears up* Oh no.... Yoh....

Rio: I heard Master Yoh shouting. Is he- *sees me* Master Yoh!! S-Say something! Please!

Trey and Pirika: *stops and look at each other sadly*

Joko: Whoo... Talk about being hot. He sure takes it to a new level

Len: *punches his face*

Jun: Oh dear...

Jeanne: What would Anna say?

Anna: Has anyone seen that lazy slacker anywhere?!

Everyone except Zeke: *looks at the ground sadly*

Zeke: It depends. His physical or spiritual self?

Anna: What do you- *sees me on the floor and kneels down beside me* What happened?

Zeke: Oh he just got himself involved when he shouldn't have. All in the name of helping you since he knows he did something bad though he won't tell us what he did

Anna: *cradles my head in her hands* And because of that, you killed him?

Zeke: Well, he was getting annoying

Anna: *gets up* So you would even kill your own brother just to get what you want?

Zeke: You know, I could bring him back. For a price though

Jeanne: I can bring him back too.

Zeke: Not in this case. Both his body and soul are vanquished by the flames *eyes flicker*

Anna: What is the deal?

Zeke: His well being in exchange for..... Hmmm.... Let's see..... You.

Everyone else except Anna and Jeanne: WHAT?!

Anna: And you'll bring him back and leave him alone? *looks at me*

Zeke: Promise on the Great Spirit

Anna: *thinks for a bit*

Morty: Don't tell me you're considering it Anna. You know how Yoh would feel...

Trey: Yeah. It'll be-

Anna: Okay. Just hurry up and bring him back.

Everyone else except Zeke and Anna: WHAT?!

Zeke: *smirks* Good. *stretches an open hand towards me and starts reviving me*

Morty: Someone stop him. If he revives Yoh, Anna is going with him. *starts running to but gets held

Len: No. She made her decision. All she wants is for Yoh to be alive

*twitches fingers lightly*

Zeke: *walks to me and leans close to my ear and whispers, still reviving me* Well brother, in the end, you couldn't stop me...

Anna: ... *walks into the inn*

Rio: *tears running down his face* Why is Master Yoh's brother so cruel.....?

Trey: Once Yoh hears what happened, he'll be totally sad.

Zeke: *gets up and walks to the door* You know Anna, I don't like to be kept waiting. I've revived him. He'll wake up after one day

Anna: *walks past him and turns to the others* When Yoh wakes up, tell him to do the training he missed for 3 days. Alright?

Everyone else except Zeke: *sweat drops*

Morty: No "I'll miss you"? No "goodbye"?

Anna: *turns away* Zeke, let's go...

Zeke: Good. *holds her hand and forms the Spirit of Fire under both of them before flying off*

*breathing calmly*

Jeanne: You know, I may not know much about pranking but this is a bit too far even for Zeke...

Len: And I think he planned that Yoh would try to stop him so he used it to his advantage...

Rio: *carries me* Let's just get Master Yoh inside... *walks in*

The rest: *follow*


Zeke: I'm sure you'll find I'm a much better candidate than my brother

Anna: .... *feels something run down her face and wipes it quickly*

Zeke: *notices and frowns before looking forward and thinking 'How much has Yoh really changed you...?'*

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