Brother Fight (Part 2)

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So here we are again. And this time, we're both going all out.

Zeke: So brother, all this for one person.

*sighs* She's not just one person, Zeke... She's more important to me than anything, which is why I'm not losing to you this time!

Zeke: Well, even though you have no hope, I'll play along *charges*

*charges as well*

Anna: *watching, worry written all over her face*

Zeke: *shoots fireballs at me*

*dodges it and slashes at him*

Zeke: *parries* Not bad. You're faster than usual. Seems you're really being serious. Looks like I have to do the same *flies up and snaps his fingers, creating a fire surrounding me*

*grins* Alright then. Ready when you are. *slashes sword in the air*

Anna: Yoh!

Don't worry Anna! I'm going to win for sure! Trust me! Just stand back and look for the others

Zeke: Yes. I think it would be best. Things are about to get really ugly.

*uses my oversoul to launch myself at him* Something we both agree on

Zeke: *uses his oversoul to rocket at me and sharply swipe* Not fast enou- *notices his oversoul partially gone and smirks* Furyoku nullification....

Learnt it from you. *smirks and slashes him, destroying his oversoul, sending him to the ground*

Zeke: Spirit of Fire! Arise! *Spirit of Fire forms and he lands in its hand* And even the offensive form of furyoku nullification. Impressive. I guess you're really serious about this

*lands on the ground* Yeah. After what you've done, I have no choice

Zeke: Oh but what exactly have I done? Please remind me. Besides taking your fiancee and trying to give her a better time than you have.

Oh please. Like forcing her to kiss you is trying to give her a better time.

Zeke: But the thing is, you did the same. Remember?

I didn't force her..... *looks away*

Zeke: Your expression says otherwise. Face it Yoh, you're like me. You're an extension of me. Without me, you're nothing. You can't beat me. And besides, you're fighting for your selfish reason.

....No. *glares* You're wrong. I'm not like you. I may be half you but it doesn't make me like you. Cause unlike you, whatever you did to her, you did by force and without considering how she feels... You take by force and that is something I can't just stand... I've been trying to be patient since we're brothers but then you took Anna. You crossed the line so in order to pass my message across, I have to beat you. It's not selfish. I'm human just like you. I have a limit to patience!

Zeke: Hmph. So do I. And I'd really prefer to teach you a lesson on what happens when you fight a hopeless battle. But I'm not in the mood

We'll see who'll be doing the teaching! *launches myself at him and down slashes*

Zeke: *Spirit of Fire blocks it* I just can't allow myself to lose to my lesser but important half. *Spirit of Fire shoots a fireball and hits me*

Gah-! *crashes to the ground but uses oversoul to break the fall* Ouch... Nice one...

Zeke: *forms his armor oversoul again* Well, there's more where that came from. *floats down in front of me* But to be honest, this is useless... I don't want to kill you. Yet.

Too late. You already did, remember? To get Anna in the first place

Zeke: That was necessary. I needed to end it quickly. I'd rather have a real battle during the tournament, not because you want revenge or whatever

True. I'd rather fight in a real battle than this. Alright. Let's settle this some other time *disengages oversoul*

Zeke: *does the same* I'll be looking forward to it

But... *punches his arm* Don't try anything with her. Or else I won't let you off that easily.

Zeke: *smirks mischievously* We'll see

Seriously though. Don't. *half lidded eyes as we walk*

Zeke: No promises... *shrugs*

Guess that's best to I can get...

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