Results and Apology

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Sorry.... Haven't really updated this since we really haven't been up to anything. And additionally, the Shaman Fight is coming up fast.

Zeke: Which I'm going to win by the way.

Len: Ha! Keep dreaming, Zeke! It's most obviously going to be me!

Trey: Definitely going to be ME, more like!

Guys..... Could you please shut up for once? Wait till the fight, then we'll see

Zeke: Someone's in a bad mood... *raises brow* What's up?

I've been trying to train on my own. You know. The classic 10 km with 10 kg weights. I'm planning on meeting Surenity for more hardcore training but I'm thinking it's sort of a bad idea considering I may or may not collapse from exhaustion by the first hour.

Trey: *pokes me* Dude! Who are you?! Where's the slacker we know?!

*sighs* Come on Trey. You should know how tight the spot I'm in is right now... If I don't try hard, Anna's gonna be disappointed and I don't want that. Since I'm officially engaged to her, it's best to keep her smiling by trying to beat my limit and keep going...

Rio: *hugs me with tears falling* Master Yoh! I will always be dazzled by the everlasting love you have for Miss Anna and can only wish to learn from your example so I may find my one, true shaman queen and treat her like such!

Trey: *places an arm on my shoulder* Yeah dude! I never knew you had it in you. So noble!

Joko: *tears fall* I... Can't even make a joke for that. It's too touching...

Zeke: Well, my brother has done some growing up. Impressive

*laughs nervously*

Len: Oh brother...

Morty: *chuckles nervously* A-Anyway... I'm sure you're wondering how the flirting competition ended. So-

Opacho: Opacho will tell you the results-

Morty: Actually, I will because I said it first-

Opacho: No. Opacho will.

Len: Oh brother.... Since these two shrimps won't decide and the rest of those imbeciles are too busy fawning over Yoh's sudden change, I'll just say it.

-Morty and Opacho arguing in the background. The rest of the 'imbeciles' moved to tears. Except Zeke of course. Yoh is just laughing nervously-

Len: And the end results are... No one won. As soon as Yoh and Zeke finished their round, we were busted by Anna who nearly killed Yoh, mentally and physically, true to his prediction.... So no contest... That's all for this chapter.

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