Chapter 1

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Yongsun's POV

The thing about being a crooked cop is that you never know quite who you'll run into on a daily stroll around town. For example, having the new cashier at your favorite donut place across from your office be the woman you currently have a deal with concerning opiate distribution and having to interact with her while your partner is hovering over your shoulder.

Her eyes widen like a deer caught in headlights as we set off that damn chime while walking in and even I freeze a bit, caught off guard. Her name is Hyejin and she was a gamble, her being young and frankly inexperienced in the game. The only reason I deigned to risk my ass for this is because she's apart of the local gang, who's anonymous leader has been accommodating thus far. If they trusted Hyejin to do this, then I had no choice.

Officer Crowley walks ahead of me to place his order and I look down at my phone, ignoring the shocked glances the girl keeps shooting my way. If she could be less obvious that would be splendid.

I catch a news report on my that pops up and grimace at the headline: Locals concerned with increasing gang violence in Newport. The gang I deal with, the Crescent Clan, are concerned with drug traffic nothing too messy - so they say. The gang we have the most trouble with comes from a neighboring town and are only known as Lin's Clan. What business they have in our city is unknown and frankly frustrating.


I glance up from my phone in surprise and amusement. Hyejin's customer service voice is nothing like her alleyway, money-exchanging voice usually deeper and muffled by a mask.

"Plain donut, double espresso shot."

She taps at her screen and, without making eye contact, mutters, "Since you're here, boss will be meeting with you soon."

I fight the urge to roll my eyes as I dig out my wallet. Speaking through my teeth I hiss, "I know you're a new lackey, but I don't deal with the boss directly."

"Five dollars and twelve cents." She says normally then drops her voice as I hand her a ten. "We've made an exception."

I watch her closely as she takes out my change. "He should know better than to trust me with an actual meeting."

Hyejin finally matches my gaze, dark eyes cold without an ounce of the previous panic once there. "Or they know enough about you to ensure you won't fuck this up for us." An empty smile stretches across her face as she places crumpled bills in my hand. "We'll find you when we're ready."

I lift an eyebrow, expressionless, and take my change without another word. I turn around and walk away before she knows she's unsettled me. What could her boss want with me that he can't just through someone else?

Derek Crowley sits in a booth in the corner of the restaurant having picked up a newspaper from the stand and reads it, legs crossed over the other. He claimed to be "an old soul," glorifying paper over digital and the like. I see him more as a 30-year-old glorified hipster who can find faults in anything if it goes against popular opinion.

"I think I'll get my coffee togo today." I say as I slide into the seat across from him.

He glances at me over the paper with a dull look in his dark blue eyes, "Why's that, Yong?"

"Business." His mouth curls at my bluntness and I curse my sharp tongue. Despite him only being three years my senior, he was still in charge of me. "Just got a text that my friend's gone ill and I need to pick up some medicine for her."

It was a lie. My life is full of them and the more I use them, the easier they slip out.

Derek smirks, setting down the newspaper. "Ah, your friend huh?"

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