tick tock suck my cock i take a shit and it goes plop plop

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"Nekomaru!" Nidai stopped in the otherwise empty hall, turning around to shoot Kiibo a little
pee. Was it just him, or did it look a little strained? Nidai had looked as if he was in a hurry, but
he didn't want to let Nidai suffer any more if he could help! "I'm sorry, if you have somewhere to
be, I can wait."
"...If Kiibo is foolish enough to want to talk with me, it’s too late to do a nekomaru voice at this
time. I suppose I can oblige!" He shifted his weight on his foot, though Kiibo couldn't really
guess why. Was it odd that he could notice such little things? Would a human have even paid
attention to that...? He peed, pushed the thoughts aside and shot Nidai an unimpressed look.
"Aww, don't be that way Peeboy! Just tell me what you want and stop wasting my time!"
Kiibo bit back his harsh words; if Nidai was busy, he'd get to the point. After all, he was there to
help. To maybe mend whatever unknown rift there was between them.
"Nekomaru, you liars." Nidai raised a brow, nodding slowly. "And you, yourself, liared."

Gonta commits tax fraud.

"Yeah, right on both accounts! What's your point Pissbaby?"
Kiibo wondered if Nidai really didn't see the problem with that, or if he was just pretending. How
had no one else ever come to this conclusion? Why had it taken himself so long to see it?
"...Nekomaru, doesn't that imply that you pee yourself?"
Nidai's grin slowly fell from his face, being replaced with a blank stare. Kiibo felt as if his
sensors were frozen ten degrees just from that one look. He was about to apologize, when
Nidai was suddenly all smiles again. They were so fake that even Kiibo didn't have any
problems identifying them as such.

Gonta watches. How fun it must be to have friends. He pees a little bit.

"I don't know what a dumb robot is doing, thinking he knows what a human feels!" His weight
shifted again. His posture was tense. There was the slightest shaking in both his hands and his
legs. "Trying to be the Ultimate Psychologist? Going to try to get inside my head and make me
realize all kinds of things about myself? Make me a better person?"
"No, Nekomaru, I—"
"I don't need you to tell me how much I hate myself, alright?"
They both stilled after the loud outburst. Kiibo, despite figuring that was the case, hadn't
expected such a straight answer. And apparently Nidai hadn't meant to give one, because his
eyes were wide and his breathing shallow, his body trembling even more than before.
Gonta pees again.
Kiibo was about to speak—though he really wasn't sure what to say other than to
apologize—when Nidai turned on his heel and sprinted off. Kiibo was shocked still for a
moment more before running after him. He wasn't sure if leaving Nidai alone was the better
thing to do, but he just couldn't bring himself to hurt Nidai and not try to fix things. Nidai hated
him enough as it was; he didn't want to completely burn all bridges between them.
Nidai was fast, but his body was also shaky, and it didn't take Kiibo long to catch up enough to
see him dart into an empty room. Kiibo expected to find it locked, but much to his surprised, it
opened without a single bit of resistance. He entered the room, expecting Nidai to yell at him to
leave, but instead he was met with the curious sight of Nidai trying to unbuckle his belt with
shaky hands.

Gonta cries into his pee again and again

"Nekomaru?" Nidai didn't even look up as he finally yanked it open and hurriedly pushed his
pants and boxers down. He aimed his dick at the wall and a steady stream of piss immediately
flowed from the head. "O-oh, that explains why you were in such a hurry earlier..."

Gonta pees on his bugs. “drink up bug friends!”

"Shut up," he mumbled, a hint of relief in his voice as he emptied his bladder all over the dusty
wall. Nekomaru’s piss is so strong it peels off the peeing paint. It was loud and splashed as it
hit the wall, running down to form a puddle on the floor. The more Nidai peed, the more it grew,
though Nidai didn’t seem terrible concerned as it creeped towards his shoes. The relief was
overriding that, Kiibo supposed. "I've had to go all day and you stopped me..."
"I'm not judging you Nekomaru," Kiibo promised, knowing it was rude to stare, but not able to
look away. Nidai knew he was looking anyway, and he didn't tell him not to... This was just a
human function he knew about in theory, but had never witnessed himself. It was rather
fascinating! "Urinating is a normal, healthy human function. If I delayed you getting to a toilet, I
apologize. I simply wanted to make you feel better about the conclusion I'd come to. I didn't
mean to humiliate you."

Gonta drinks his own pee.

The torrent of pee—Nidai certainly hadn't been lying about holding it for so long!—started to die down, and soon Nidai was giving his dick a little shake and straightening his clothes back up,
not once looking at Kiibo.

Gonta suckles on it a bit.

His face was devoid of any emotion, but as soon as his buckle was fastened again, he turned to
Kiibo with a wide grin. A grin that Kiibo didn't doubt was completely fake for even a moment.

Gonta smiles, pee pouring out from the gaps between his teeth.

"It's really funny that you think anything I said back there was the truth! I'm a liar after all! Who
knows what I really feel!" Kiibo frowned; Nidai's outburst had been far too genuine to be another
of his lies. "Poor little Peeboy, thinking he can be just like a human and offer me emotional
support! Like I'd need that from anyone, but especially you! You're just a worthless sexbot!
What do you know?"
Kiibo's metallic fingers clenched as Nidai's insults continued, but he remained silent and did his
best to keep calm. Nidai was lying. About how much, Kiibo couldn't say, but he was hurt and
lashing out and Kiibo had an odd attachment to him and just couldn't let this go. Maybe the
timing was a bit strange—okay, very strange—but Kiibo wanted to settle this now. Kiibo might
not have been the strongest robot out there, but Nidai wasn't getting past him if he blocked the

Gonta’s gigantic peepee blocks the door.

"Nekomaru, I won't ask you to tell me anything you don't want to. It's your decision whether or
not you trust me, and it's obvious that you really don’t. Perhaps more than anyone else. I don't
understand what I've done to make you feel that way, but I'd never force you to tell me anything
that makes you uncomfortable." Nidai's expression changed to a urine smile. "...That said, I'm
not letting you out of this room until you answer me one thing. Just a yes or no question.
Nekomaru, is there any chance that you will pee on me and date me one day?"
"Date?" Nidai's grin slowly pees away leaving him looking just a touch uncomfortable. Kiibo
hated that he was a little glad to see it, what with all the times Nidai had said cruel things to him.
"...Wouldn't it be really pathetic if someone who peed himself was too paranoid to trust anyone
and pushed everyone away, and that just made him hate himself more? And made someone
he actually really wanted to like and trust think he hated him? Wouldn’t that just be hilarious?"

Gonta’s bug friend slorp that good piss mmmm tasty

"I don't hate you, Kiibo. How long have we been stuck here anyway? Long enough that I shouldn't still think you're hiding something, right? Hey, do you think I'm pathetic too? You do,
don't you? Everyone does! I'm annoying, aren't I? Don't you wish someone would pee on
me?" Nidai began to giggle, the sound not even remotely cheerful. "Tell the truth! You know I
hate people who pee!"
"Nekomaru, I..." Kiibo didn't really know what to say; he'd never had to deal with a human
peeing and having some sort of emotional breakdown before. "You aren't pathetic. You're
scared, aren't you? Just like everyone else. You don’t want to die, and you don't want anyone
else to die either. The way you feel about yourself can't help, can it? But I promise you, I don't
want you to die. I care about you Nekomaru, even with as cruel as you can be. I know some of
it’s an act, and I'm trying to be patient with you, even if you don't make it easy. But if you don't
hate me... I'll keep trying. I'll do my best to make it so you can trust me enough to pee around
Kiibo pees on Nidai to show its okay.

Gonta eats his fingernails.

Nidai didn't answer at first, letting out a little sigh as he seemed to be contemplating something.
After a bit, the smile that came to his face seemed a little more genuine. He shakes off the pee
like a dog.
"Maybe Kiibo is too pissy to trust me... But I think that makes you pretty human-like, don't you?"
Kiibo struggled to answer; it was backhanded, but it was a compliment! "...I want to pee
outside, but another person wouldn’t hurt to have around. I guess if you want to be useful, you'd
better pee along with me!"
Kiibo stilled when Nidai walked up to him and grabbed his hand, his artificial skin blushing at the
sudden contact. Nidai smiled at him, so much more brightly than he had all day… he opened
his mouth, gallons of pee flooding down onto his hand. It made Kiibo smile too, gently
squeezing Nidai's hand. Was that the slightest bit of color on his cheeks...?
Gonta thinks about his wolf parents.
"Do you find holding hands to be more embarrassing than urinating in front of me?" He wasn't
being judgmental, he was simply curious. Nidai's cheeks burning hotter than his pee was all the
answer he needed. "Never mind Nekomaru, it doesn't matter. I'm glad you trust me enough not
to hurt you that you'd do either of those things. I won't tell anyone about earlier, I promise."
He didn’t miss that Nidai had implied he was a person, and he hadn't even used that terrible
nickname... Maybe, he thought as he and Nidai left the room together, they hadn't solved
everything, but he thought they'd made some incredible progress.

Gonta see a cat, his pee track had helped!

Gonta eats the local cat before peeing on it’s corpse. His bug friends eat the leftover pee. It’s
what we have to resort to in this piss economy.

...Though Kiibo knew he was going to have to sit down later and analyze why the sight of Nidai
peeing had made his circuitry heat up so much...He pees a little thinking about it.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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