Two Two

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It's never a bad morning to wake up with a pretty girl holding your hand, but I'm worried that Sana is going to have a sore back all day, by the position she is sleeping. The medication is starting to wear off, and my legs a starting to sting a bit, at least I'm still not feeling my ribs, I bet it will be a lot worse when it happens. An-

"CHOU JIHYO, YOU BETTER NOT BE DYING!" And that's why I told Chorong not to say anything when she called in yesterday.

"Lee Sunmi, you keep your voice down or I'm kicking you out of this hospital right now!" Oh, Chorong is here too, that's a relief.

Sana was jolted awake by their noise, and I just motion her to the bathroom, she goes off with a giggle to fix herself up a little. The noise is getting closer, and she comes back just before they burst through the door and freeze a little, eyes bouncing between Sana and I.

"Soooo.... We could come back later." Sunmi says with a weird smirk.

"And why would you do that?"

"I- We- Nevermind." Am I missing something here? I knew Sunmi was a bit odd.

"So, Ji, how are you feeling?"

"I've been better, but how are you holding the fort, Chocho?"

"You do know we can handle ourselves fine, right?" Sunmi snorts.

"I picked you all personally, did you really think I would believe it?" As always, my squinting my eyes to them seems to work.

"Eunji may or may not have thrown a party in your office and broken fish-bear." Sunmi jumps behind Chorong as soon as she lets out this information.

"Ji, we need you to calm down, that monitor thingy is beeping too much." Chorong tries.


"Good luck with this, I'm calling the doctor." Sana says as she, masterfully, slips out of the room.


"Now, let's not declare a blood hunt." Chorong tries.


"Ji, look, it's not that bad, we can glue it." Sunmi tries to negotiate.


"I have no idea what you are talking about, but I believe that you might want to calm down a little. Your blood pressure is much higher than I would like it to be." Dr Kim is by the door, with Sana just behind them, both with very amused smiles.

"Oh, doctor, please help our little boss over here, she just received very disturbing news." Sunmi is seriously irritating.

"I heard. And I think the whole floor is trying to figure out what a fish bear is." Dr Kim chuckles.

"I'm sorry doctor, but these two punks just told me fish-bear was broken and their solution is to simply throw some glue on it."

"So I heard. But you can't be angry like that right now, it's definitely not good for your recovery."

"I'll try to stay calm."

"Good, I'm going to give you something to bring your pressure down a little, and you have to promise to stay calm."

"I'll make sure of that, don't worry doc." Sana says in a playful tone I didn't think she was capable of right now.

"Great. Now, what on earth is a fish-bear?" Doctor Kim seems to succumb to curiosity.

"It's a sculpture my mom made for me, mom Jeongyeon, I mean. I sent them on a vacation with what I got from my first game, they went on a weekend at a ski lodge and took some crafting class, I'm not sure. But they both made me something, and fish bear is one of them. Mom swears it's a bear, but it looks too much like a fish, so I called it fish-bear." Dr Kim and Sana are laughing.

It's good to see Sana laugh, she looks like she could use it right now. All our families do, all this took a heavy toll on them.

"Oh, you are all fired, alright." Momo chips in, appearing behind Sana.

"Mo! Did you guys sleep well?" She looks much better today.

"Not without you. But we managed." Mina says as she arrives.

We spent the whole morning talking and catching me up with everything they were doing while I was out. Chorong and Eunji leave just before lunch, promising to sent Eunji over with lemon mousse and her best apology speech.

"So, when are you telling them that what they broke was a replica?" Momo asks as soon as they leave.

"Did you go to the party?"

"No." She answers and barks out a laugh as soon as she understands.

"Are you two going to share?" Mina looks irritated.

"Well, the sculptures in my office are replicas. The real ones are in my house, safe and sound. But I'm salty about the party without me, so I'm letting them suffer for a while." And the other two join in the laughter.

I tell Sana to go have lunch with Nayeon and she leaves with some protest, reminding me to tell Mark to go by her room when he comes. Mina leaves right after we have lunch, and Momo when Mark arrives.

"Jihyo, how are you feeling today?"

"Dr Tuan, before I forget, Sana asked if you could go to Nayeon's room after, they seem to have something to talk to you about."

"I will. Not let's talk about you. How are you holding up, what are you feeling?"

"Well, I'm confused, for the most part, but I've had two headaches, the nurse said it was normal and gave some medication for that. Also, I think my eyes are not very adjusted yet, there seems to be a thick fog everywhere."

"Looking at your medical records, everything seems to be within expected, so don't worry much about the physical part. You said you are confused, can we start from there?"

"Yeah, about that. I think I'm engaged?"

"You are not sure?" He lets a small chuckle escape.

"Well, yes, I mean, no. Sana asked me to marry her yesterday, I said yes, but I really don't know where to go from there."

"Can you tell why you said yes?"

"I like to be with her. She is a great woman, and Raised her daughter really well, besides everything, not to mention I enjoy the time we spent together. Really, I never thought of saying no. The only answer in my head when she asked was 'yes'."

"It's good to know you fell in love with someone." He has a very warm smile.

"So this is what falling in love is? I mean, I know I love Mina and Momo too, and my moms, and Nayeon, and the Sons, but is this what this difference means?"

"What are you trying to tell me?"

"That I knew I loved Sana for a while, but when I thought about it, it wasn't the same as the others, so I just thought it was because our moms were friends and we spent more time together than Momo and Mina. But it turned out it was not the same, and I just want her around all the time."

"Well, that's about right. No need to rush anything, not that there is much more to rush, I mean, you are engaged already. But just do whatever you think is right, if anything, I'll always listen to you."

"Thanks Dr Tuan."

"And you are still not calling me Mark."


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