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Did I say I was going a bit insane during pregnancy? Well, nevermind that, Sana has just gone into labour, and NOW I'm really going insane. I don't really know what is going on, or how anything happened for the matter. Mina and Momo were the ones keeping things moving, nayeon is just hyper, and the Sons are just adding to her hype. Somebody said Mommy is on her way, and mom couldn't get out of her meeting, I think it was mrs Son.

All that's being processed right now is, Sana is screaming at me about anything, I haven't felt my hands since all this began, and I might be losing half my hair before the baby comes. I think that's normal, right?! Is this normal? I should have talked with Mina a bit more, thankfully, the nurses are guiding us through it, or closer to manhandling me like a ragdoll as they get Sana ready, not that I'm complaining at all. It's really better like this, at least I know I'm where I was supposed to be and not on the way of the medical team.

A lot of loud speaking, many people walking around the room, Sana threatening to kill me (which I'm really trying to block out), at some point, someone shoves a pair of scissors on my hand, and guides me to cut something, I see a flash of light, then I'm being led to stand beside Sana again. I just come to my senses when I hear a cry, and a bundle of blue hospital sheets is being handed to her, that's when I see our little baby boy, they both look so beautiful.

Sana looks, more than ever, ethereal, like she is surrounded on a celestial glow, our youngest is so peaceful in her arms, and I seem to have given into my urge to cry, because a nurse hands me some tissues. Sana notices, smiles and tells me to come closer, and when I do, it's the most beautiful sight I've ever had the honor of witnessing. My head is a bit light, and my breath seems to be getting harder.... Aaaand I'm out.

# # #

"Fifty that she was out when it started."

"I'll take it. I say she was out when she saw what was going on down there."

"You guys are all gonna lose money again, it was when she saw all the medical tools."

"Thi is the room, ma'am." The nurse, who was guiding me to Sana's room, informs with a poorly suppressed chuckle.

"You can laugh, they are always like this. I don't know how my mom still finds making bets on everything so fun."

"Well, at least, they all seem to be losing it." he really giggles now.

"Don't tell them. I love it when their bets go sour."

"Oh, I won't. But good luck with them, though, we'll bring the little one a bit later, he is still getting his vaccines and exams."

"Thank you, Joon. I'll see you later."

Opening the door, they are even louder than I expected, Sana is just, tiredly, laughing at them, and not saying a word about what happened, by the looks of it.

"She is here!" mrs Son exclaims.

"Ji, what went down over there?" Mina asks.

"She did." Mom says and high-fives director Son. These two are getting worse by the day.

"Will you all be quiet, my wife looks tired." I'm trying to scold, but doesn't seem to be working.

"Hun, I know you mean well, and you know I love you. But it feels like we are being scolded by a cupcake." Sana says and everyone bursts out in laughter.

I just pretend to be angry and make my way to sit on the bed beside her, although the smile that creeps up on my lips isn't helping.

"I love you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me." I whisper to her and kiss her head.

Our family is just doing their thing, as in, being loud, causing a ruckus and making jokes [in mom's case, very bad ones). It didn't feel too long until nurse Joon was bringing our baby boy in and telling everyone to be quiet, to which they finally conceded. He gives the kid to Sana and I get Nayeon on my lap, so she can meet her little brother.

"Yeonnie, this is your little brother, Christopher." I tell her in a hushed voice.

"Can I touch him?" She asks in a very quiet voice, well, as quiet as she could muster with the excitement.

"Have you washed your hands?"


"Then come with mommy, we'll wash our hands together." And I give Sana another kiss on top of her head.

It was, somewhat, a difficult task, to manage Nayeon's giddyness and convince her that washing her hands has to be something more than just clapping her hands with soap and rinsing them, when she wants to touch her little brother. That earns me wet pants and soaked shirt. I think I brought more than one set of spare clothes for Sana, so I'll just have to make do.

"Ji, whatever happened to you?" Momo asks, already cracking up.

"I don't wanna talk about it. Now, Yeonnie, don't touch that, you'll have to wash your hands again."

It didn't take long before the others went home, leaving just Nayeon and I, I'll take her back later, by later, I mean when we are kicked out. Chan was taken again so they could give him a bath, I took Joon on his offer to try doing it myself. I'm gonna have to do it anyways, why not have a professional teach me, right? That, and Sana was still not allowed to stand for that long yet, so I left her with Yeonnie sleeping on the couch.

In all honesty, I'm scared about doing this, he looks so small, I might break him if I'm not careful enough.

"You won't hurt him." Joon says softly.

"Are you a mind reader, now?!"

"No need, your face is screaming it. Just hold him up, for now."

"I'm not sure how to do this."

"The same way you did with your eldest."

"Oh, ahm. Nayeon isn't."

"oh.... OH! I'm sorry, it's just the way you are with each other. I-"

"It's alright, that means I'm doing it right. But this is my first time doing this."

"Okay, just do what you think you should do, and I'll help you through it. It's alright, he is tougher than you think he is."

And, with that, I think I managed to bathe Chan, he really didn't break, but I was still over-cautious, so much that Joon had to scold me about three times during the process. When I got back, Sana bursted out laughing, woke Nayeon up with the noise, who also started laughing and I was left there not understanding a thing, until they were kind enough to tell me that my face was funny, and I looked like someone just kicked my dog.

And now I know my own family enjoys my downfalls as the utmost form of entertainment. They were saved by the bell, bell meaning Joon, who had just came in to tell us it's time to go. Sana manages her best begging eyes and convinces me to give her a goodbye kiss, then I just wait up for Nayeon to say goodbye and head home for the day.

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