twenty six

124 4 1

Whose idea was it for these two boffons to move in here? Mine? Oh.... I'm starting to believe I should have thought it through a little longer. The house is more than big enough, even with them taking two rooms (one for the baby). Mina was the most enthusiastic, claiming she would take the chance to learn some kitchen skills from me and have help taking care of Momo, which we were more than happy to provide, given their families are far and can't just drop their lives for too long.

But, right now, I have Momo sitting on the couch, eating a pie (yes, the whole thing) like nothing is happening, Sana and Nayeon sitting on the coffee table with popcorn watching everything, me trying to sneak some work under their noses and Mina freaking out with the moving crew to get everything in order as soon as possible. It's amusing, who would've thought she could really be loud.

The two decided to keep their apartment for a while longer, saying that their families would be over when the baby is born, and they wanted them to have a place for themselves during their stay. I told them they could just stay here, but I'm not arguing, they know what they are doing. Also, the room the couple chose is the farthest away from mine and Sana's, I told them all rooms are sound proofed (Sana said she asked it to be done during her moving renovations), but they found it better to just settle for a farther room.

"Jihyo, turn that computer off and come enjoy the show with us. You've been working long enough." Sana blurts out about two hours into the show.

"Have I told you this skill of yours is really impressive?" Momo asks, still working that pie.

"No, but thank you. I had to develop it perfectly with this one." Sana answers as she points at Nayeon, who just giggles.

"Can I just finish this email? Sunmi has been freaking out for the last two weeks."

"Oh, I saw it. I think the only reason she didn't tackle me last monday when I came back was because of Mina." Momo's smile tells me it was funny.

"Sure, finish that ONE email and come over here. Yeonnie, go make sure mom Hyo does as she was told."

At that, Nayeon gets off the table and wriggles herself into my lap, with a very serious expression that says she will definitely tell on me if I don't obey. I swear, these two. They are a headache when they work together. But I love them anyways.

"Yeonnie, would you like to have a little sibling?" I ask her lowly, as I'm finishing up.

"Aunties are having a baby already." She answers adorably.

"Yes, they are. But I'm asking if you want your own little sibling, besides the one auties are waiting for."

"I do. The more, the better. I want lots of little ones!"

"Okay, good to know. Now, let's join mama or she will scold us."

"Can we have more snacks?"

"Sure we can, I'm gonna make some sandwiches, how about that?"

"I help!"

"Okay, let's go. Sana, we are going to make something to eat, be right back" I tell the two, giving Sana a kiss on her head on the way to the kitchen.

I do hear Momo say something around the lines of 'have you two even kissed yet' and Sana telling her to shut up and mind her own business. I'll just get this food done before Mina rips the throats of the moving crew. She will likely need something special for dinner if she is to calm down. Maybe I could negotiate with Sana to sleep with them tonight. But first! Let me make some snacks.

It was about six when the movers were done, it took us until seven thirty to convince Mina to leave the rest for tomorrow and go shower and get ready to go out and eat. The convincing may have involved Sana promising that I would sleep with them, and me calling mommy to see if she could get us a table on short notice. I got us a place in the chinese restaurant, Mina just demanded dumplings and agreed to relax a little.

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