Many say high school sucks. Many say once you get out your going to just love your life. I believed them. I thought just out of the ordinary I would be free. I would be able to fly. I would have my own life but NO. That's not what happened. Instead I had to get through high school and start a life I wouldn't want anyone to know about or think about. Until now.
I know what your thinking this is going to be some sort of diary full of things no one would think would happen but guess what it did.
I'm Jade, I look like the perfect teen always willing to throw myself into someone's arms and honestly I was until he came into my life and ruined everything. He turned me into something I would never think I could be. He turned me into a monster and now I want my revenge and I want people to know what I went through. Javier doesn't even know what's about to happen. I'm putting his life in Hell.
Diary of a High School Senior
SaggisticaAs you ready this wonderful tale. You will read the diary of senior Jade. You'll see the stuff she went through along with how she became the girl she is today. You'll see how much someone can change.