Return to the Mountains

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The morning sun hung high over the ocean as Mevner, Bill, and Pathos watched the Dutchess and her escort ride back to town. The door to the lighthouse opened behind them and Øregård came out and rested a big hand on Mevner's shoulder. 

"Good Wizard." 

He was wearing repaired armor with newly fashioned spiked shoulder pads. On the left shoulder, there was an extra fin and behind it sat Mr. Grimble. 

"Friend, you did a good thing last night." The gnome's smile shone through his beard. 

"I'm sure it was his pleasure," added de Martín with a devilish smirk. 

Bill laughed with a snort, not entirely sure what they were talking about.

"Indeed, I'm sure it was, lass. Now, I'm not one to be too keen on fashion, but I'd recognize that cloak anywhere," said the gnome.

Øregård grabbed her by the arm and held fast. Bill took his ax off his back. Mevner stepped between them.

"Øregård and Grimble, these are my two new bodyguards. Bill 'the Bloodbath' Hanuman and Pathos de Martín." 

Øregård released his grip and Bill backed down. 

"Any relation to a Sabastian de Martín?" asked Grimble.

"Monsieur Grumble, he was mon Papa. His cloak, as you say, was his parting gift to me on his deathbed. His most prized possession as you both know." She smoothed out the sleeve of her form fitted jacket.

"de Martín." Øregård put his arms around her, lifted her off the ground with a passion-filled bear hug, then placed her carefully back where she stood before.

"Merci, mon ami, Øregård, et Monsieur Grumble." 

"He told you about us, did he? This is a real family reunion." Grimble looked at Øregård's head. "We're the last of the old gang, old friend." 

"Let's take this reunion on the road." Mevner reached out to both Øregård and Pathos.

Bill slung his ax back over his shoulder with a grunt. 

"We'll need to get Øregård a new weapon, we weren't able to repair his sword," Grimble added from his shoulder chariot surrounded by jagged spikes made from its broken pieces. 

"I think I know where to look." 


An hour later, Mevner poured out a circle of oil around the party and lit it on fire. The horses didn't like it and he held his by the reigns to steady it. Øregård pushed all three together in the center of the circle as the flames rose higher.

"I can only do this with some preparation." 

He took one of the Curse Resist vials out of his pouch and poured a drop on the ground in the center of the circle. 

"Take us to your resting place." 

The minute Mevner said the words, the flames rose twenty feet into the air and in a spiraling flash, they were gone. Thunder clapped and reality seemed to split open. Out of nowhere three horseriders and a giant green ogre appeared on the cliffside before the rope bridge that crossed the ravine at the base of the mountains. 

"Bu-oy da gods." Bill was as startled as his horse; he touched various parts of his body including his crotch, just to make sure he was alive and still in one piece. 

"Mon dieu," echoed de Martín. "I've never been transported before." 

"Don't underestimate our wizard," stated Grimble from Øregård's unphased shoulders, it was not their first rodeo. "This is where Melock the Great fell." 

Three of them looked at the dusty ground that showed no signs of the dead wizard's murder. Mevner handed Øregård the vial.

"His remains. They will protect you." 

Grimble took off his hat and held it forward. Øregård sprinkled some of the powder into it, then proceeded to drink the remainder of the contents of the Curse Resist potion. It caused him immediate gastric distress. He doubled over, then stood up arching his back, and burped loudly. 

"Yuk, magic."

Grimble put his cap back on with a shiver. "Thank you, friend."

Mevner took out the last two Curse Resist vials. He handed one to Pathos. 

"It will protect you from Redwing, or Mazlo's curses." 

She slid the vial under her shirt close to her heart. "Merci, Ozgold." 

He offered the last to Bill.

"No witchcraft." He shook his gorilla faced head in the negative. 

Øregård huffed his approval of this statement, to which Bill grunted back at him. 


They crossed the bridge and headed into the mountains. This time the rope bridge told Mevner they would make it across without issue. Up the winding road into the foothills, the trail narrowed, and they proceeded in single file. Øregård took the lead. His gait was equal to the horses and he easily kept pace walking. 

They rode in silence climbing higher into the mountain range. The path turned and led them down into a massive valley with towering cliffs rising on either side. The floor of the valley was still green from summer growth but the trees on the ridges had turned to fall colors. Golden yellows, burnt oranges, and deep autumn reds painted a scene of pristine natural beauty. 

The horses watered in a clear stream and Øregård stuck his head under to drink his fill. Grimble scurried to his back to avoid being submerged. 

Across the valley, they passed two more ranges and were swallowed by the Stone Mountains. Vegetation wore away and the terrain became rockier. Dust kicked up behind them and their approach would be visible from the sky; as well as from the miner's camp. 

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