Chapter 4

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I really did'nt understand the feeling that had just washed over me, but when they took off the lid to the coffin like box and picked me up and took me out I felt a new kind of strength. Like I had been completely transformed into a new me. Then I looked at my legs. And there was no legs. just a wax colored blob. They took me to a table and started working at the blob that used to be my legs. I had no idea what they were doing the strange people from under the sea. They started using a tool that I had seen my foster dad use millions of times before. A sander looking thing, but this tool looked like it was especially meant for blobs that started at the waist and went down to the bottom of where feet originally were. I started wondering what they had done to me. Where they had put my thighs and knees and shins and...feet. I thought about how maybe the boiling liquid was hot enough that they just melted completely off. Or maybe while I was wollering in my own self pity that they just chopped them off. Or how they were still buried under the blob that now was forming into a...tail? How were they doing this? It was naturally impossible! Then as one of them moved up to my face they strapped a mask on me and I inhaled and exhaled a little faster then normal still thinking about how it was completely and utterly impossible for someone or something to be able to do that. And then I just fell asleep...and so I slept and dreamt.

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