Chapter 5

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When I woke up again, I was still trapped on the operating table. They were still operating on me but they had moved away from the tail and were apparently almost finished with...whatever they were working on. I could almost could feel what they were working on, but I was to numb to care. When they were finished they unstrapped me because apparently I needed to be strapped down. Pfft yeah right! Its not like I had suddenly gained the strength to beat ten men to a pulp. So they brought a mirror over and helped me up. When I looked in the mirror I didnt I saw a mermaid with gills and Long flowing hair and a tail. I was a purple-tailed freak! I had gills and a tail. All of a sudden I felt like I couldnt breath. I couldnt do anything.

I was really freaked out at this point. I didnt know what to do at this point, so I let the mer-people just have me hover there. Then they dragged me out of the room, but before I left, I caught a glimpse of there next un-willing victem. She looked about 12 or 13 and she was trying to break free from the grasps of her kidnappers. I suppose I should have helped her, but by the time I thought about it the door was closed and I was being changed into a new outfit. Still unaware, or un-caring, of what would happen next.

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