Bad Ideas & Angry Kittens

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888 @ a table on an outside patio on campus 888

Looking at his cell phone which dinged letting him know he had yet another text message, the thick dark brows of the tall well muscled young man were drawn together in a scowl, and he scoffed when he read the messages.

"Your mom again?" One of the other boys asked in a voice that was soothing, hoping to keep his friend from exploding. After all the issues that Good was having at home were partly his idiot brother's fault. The currently black and blue haired boy, reached out patting his friend's arm in sympathy. "It's worse at my place. I was meant to get my dorm this year; now they're fighting about it." He sighed with a shake of the head.

Sighing Good slumped and tossed the phone to the table and thumped his head on the notebook he'd previously been writing in. "This is fucking ridiculous!" He hissed, "I just want them to get off my back. I'm nothing like Wit! He is... well was a total playboy! I've never even had a girlfriend. I've talked to what two girls, but it went nowhere. This is all stupid, and now they have some convent girl they want me to meet and date! I mean, they're marrying me off."

Slamming his bag onto the table Wit grinned before slapping Good on the back and sitting down next to him, as Finn set his things on the bench next to Wash and passed around the drinks that the two had been getting. "So tell them you're gay! Problem solved." Wit told his best friend brushing the dark hair out of his pale caramel eyes and flashed a wicked grin and raised a brow.

"Are you crazy? Has Peace finally given in to her hormones and smacked you with a frying pan?" Wash gaped at his brother in shocked horror because what the fuck kind of advice was that? He looked at Good and groaned, "You can't be considering that! It's a foolish idea. Your parents are going to want to meet your boyfriend. You know that right? They'll expect that you are saying you're gay because you HAVE a boyfriend."

Finn nodded wide-eyed a little shocked at the conversation that was being had; he'd never told his friend's about his own sexuality for fear of what might happen. Though he enjoyed sex with women, he much-preferred relationships with men. "So I get a boyfriend. I mean I've never seriously talked to any girls, it could be believable, right?"

"EXACTLY! This is a great idea. There are apps for finding guys right? Just pay one to be your boyfriend for a while, and you can say you broke up after a few months." Wit grinned as if he was a genius. Wash and Finn both were looking at him like he had two heads.

Shaking his head, Finn sighed. "I have never head a more stupid idea. 1) those apps are for hooking up with guys, like sex. It's not... ugh, it sounds like you want to hire a rent boy and that's dangerous and gross. Come on do you really want to PAY someone to date you?" The long dark black hair that hung in his eyes was brushed out of his eyes revealing the bright chocolate eyes that normally had a mischievous glint but right now were angry. "What you're talking about is dangerous, Good... and dude it's just wrong."

Gathering his bag without bothering to have ever gotten out his books to study Finn left, not saying another word to his friends. It wasn't often that Finn got angry especially with his friends. The 'Bad Boy Princes' were tight-knit and had been practically inseparable since their first year of high school. Though he was average height and lean, he was one of the better fighters in their gang and had no problem knocking his friend's heads together when they were acting stupid. Which happened a lot since two of their gang were twin brothers.

Paying absolutely no attention due to being pretty pissed off at what a moron Wit was and that Good was considering the idea of hiring someone to date him was just ridiculous, Finn ran right into a smaller body both of them going down his body going down over the other palms either side of the cutest face he'd ever laid eyes on. Smooth pale skin, bright wide brown eyes that seemed to smile at him, and lips that were full and pink and he desperately wanted to kiss.

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