Family & Friends

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888 Waiting in the car parking lot near the stadium 888

Blu was leaning on his longtime friend, who he had pinned against his SUV, this wasn't uncommon. Blu had issues with personal space as in he didn't seem to know it existed. He frequently hung off his two best friends, demanded cuddles, and found himself seeking touch all the time. He wasn't sure what it meant, he thought a therapist might have a lot to say, but his friends just thought he needed lots of love and attention and that was fine by him.

Day had arms wrapped around his shoulders, hugging the boy currently snuggled against him close as he dozed off with a yawn. "Man, what is taking Revil so long?"

Snorting, Blu didn't bother to move from his place on the pretty friend of his, "You and I both know what is taking him so long, he's cleaning up with P'Luk, so I'm sure he's taking his time perving on him." Day laughed a little and shook his head. "I'm about to leave his ass behind, and he can walk to the dorms." The three of them all lived in the same student condo building, were in the same faculty, and had similar schedules so other than Revil's football practices and matches the three were rarely apart. In fact, they'd chosen to take a large apartment with three rooms and a shared living/kitchenette space rather than individual dorms. It made splitting the cost easier as Revil and Day came from well-off families but they weren't exactly rolling in it as Blu's family was.

Day had come out in high school, and it had sparked some pretty horrible bullying which at first no one would do anything about until Blu transferred into his school. His father had been working in Taiwan and finally gotten transferred back to Thailand. The first day Blu was there he'd kicked the guy holding Day by the throat right in the balls, informing them all he was gay too but he'd been taught to defend himself and his friends. That had ended most of the physical bullying.

Blu and Day were almost never without one another after that. No matter the boyfriends or hookups that came and went. The only constant addition to their life had been Revil, in their third year he had been transferred to school as well, heartbroken because he'd had to leave his boyfriend behind. Day and Blu had taken to the shy boy instantly and were glad to discover once he was more comfortable he could be just as loud and full of fire as they were.

Though he wasn't nearly as sassy and sarcastic as Day and could never match Blu's lack of brain to mouth filter, he could and would hold his ground verbally. All three young men were pretty in their facial features though all very different. This was why many called them the Azalea Gang after the beautiful but poisonous flower, such pretty men each with tongues that could drip venom.

Blue huffed a breath while Day felt himself crushed to the door of the vehicle. "What the hell? Revil?" Blinking he was met instead with the face of his wickedly smirking elder sister. "P'Sun! You're killing me. Get off!" He demanded and pushed at her shoulders.

"No, I'm too lazy. I want to cuddle too. Blu loves to cuddle us both! Don't you N'Blu?" She squeezed her arms wrapping around Blu and the other just adjusted himself until he was more comfortable between the now bickering siblings and hummed with a content smile. She relented after her brother resorted to pinching her, he was a vicious little bitch. "YAH! That better not bruise." She warned stepping back and rubbed her shoulder. "Don't forget you three have to come to dinner tonight with Pa." Sun leaned over she pressed quick sniffing kiss to both of the younger boy's foreheads showing sisterly affection before she headed off to her car.

"Was that P'Sun?" Revil asked finally showing up his hair still wet from his shower, having spent most of his time under the spray waiting for Luk to join in it, then waiting to dry properly and dressing slowly so he could walk out with the senior. The elder was now standing next to his adorable teammate looking at him with a fond smile. "Aww, why didn't she wait to see me too?"

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