chapter 1

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Jaykit wondered through the forest hungrily. His mother had betrayed him and his father and his father died from a fight with a fox. Jaykit,spotted a mouse nibbling underneath a leaf. He got into a crouch and padded silently towards the mouse, trying not to step on any twigs. He stopped then slowly crept forwards, stepping on a twig making a loud crack. The mouse shot from underneath the leaf and disappeared into a hole. "Fox dung!" Jaykit spat angrily and began walking again.

The sun had began to set and Jaykit still had not caught any prey or found somewhere to sleep. He padded on, trying to find shelter as rain started to pour down. After a while he saw a small cave. He padded to the cave and scented the air to make sure it was safe, after he made sure it was safe he padded inside and shook his drenched coat. He lay in the cave watching the rain and listening to the sound of the rain hitting leaves. Slowly he began to drift to sleep.

Bright sunlight shined into the cave, waking Jaykit. Jaykit stretched and padded out of the cave with his stomach rumbling. He scented the air and spotted a vole. He crouched down and snuck silently towards it, not making a single noise. He stopped and pounce on the vole, ending it's life with a quick bite to the neck. He hungrily dragged it to the cave and began to eat it.

He finished his prey and stood up licking his lips. Suddenly his fur bristled as a bush in front of him rustler. A orange tabby padded to him. "What are you doing out here all by yourself?" The tabby asked. Jaykit backed away a little. "I've been walking through the woods by myself trying to find prey." He answered as his fur laid down. The tabby sat beside and introduced herself "I'm Flamewhisker of CliffClan. Who are you and where are your parents?". Jaykit frowned and looked at her "I'm Jaykit. I don't have any parents. My mother left me and my father. My father died fighting a fox.". Flamewhisker looked at the kit "I'm sorry to hear that. You should come with me and live in CliffClan." She got up,and picked Jaykit up by the scruff and carried him to the clan.

flamewhisker padded into camp and sat Jaykit down in Dawnstars den. Dawnstar looked at the kit "Flamewhisker, where did you get this kit?" Flamewhisker sat down and looked at Dawnstar "I found him in small cave close to  camp." Dawnstar nodded. "So little one, what is your name?" Dawnstar asked looking at Jaykit. Jaykit looked up at the leader "I'm Jaykit.". The leader smiles "Well Jaykit, would you like to stay here in Cliffclan?". Jaykit nodded "Yes, but I don't want a foster mother." Dawnstar nodded "Ok. Flamewhisker, can you show Jaykit where the nursery is?" She nodded "Follow me Jaykit." She got up and led him to the nursery.

"This is the nursery. All the kits and queens stay here, when you are six moons old you will leave the nursery and move to the apprentices den. When you finish your training as an apprentice you will become a warrior.". Jaykit nodded and walked into the nursery and saw three kits. The three kits bounded to him. "Hi, I'm Frostkit, that's Terrorkit, and that one is Tigerkit." One of the kits mewed. "I'm Jaykit." Jaykit said as the three kits looked at him. "Jaykit, do you want to play a game? You and frostkit can be a Treeclan warriors and I'll be the leader of CliffClan." Tigerkit bounced around Jaykit. "No thanks, I want to rest." Jaykit said as he padded into the nursery and curled into a corner. One of the queens pulled him closer to her and he fell asleep in her fur.

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