Chapter 4

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Jaypaw got out of his nest and stretched in his best. He padded out to the kill pile and grabbed a thrush. He sat down under a rock ledge and began eating. He finished his thrush and licked his lips as Tigerflame padded up. "Jaypaw, let's go do some warrior training." Jaypaw got up excitedly and followed Tigerflame to the training area.

Tigerflame and Jaypaw sat down. "Okay, first I want you to try to attack me, but be as stealthy as possible." Jaypaw nodded. "Okay you go hide while my head is turned then,sneak up and attack." Jaypaw nodded. Tigerflame turned his head as Jaypaw ran off into some bushes. Tigerflame licked his paw as Jaypaw silently crept towards him in the shadows. Tigerflame looked around and Jaypaw froze, unseen, in the shadows. Tigerflame began to groom his pelt as Jaypaw quickly, yet silently, crept closer. Jaypaw pounce out of nowhere, pinning his mentor. Tigerflame looked at Jaypaw, surprised, and flung him off and pinned him down. Jaypaw batted Tigerflame's stomach with sheathed claws. Tigerflame got up smiling "Good job, your going to be a great warrior, I can tell." Jaypaw purred at the praise and padded from the training area. He padded to a small puddle and began to lap up the cool water. Whisperpaw padded up "How did training go?" Jaypaw smiled "Good. How are you doing?" Whisperpaw purred "I'm good, you?" Jaypaw blushes a little "I'm good." He thought to himself  "She is REALLY pretty" he smiled.

Whitepaw padded to Whisperpaw what was sitting near Jaypaw. Whitepaw whispered in her ear "I know you like Jaypaw. You follow him everywhere." Whisperpaw looked at her with her blind eyes and whispered back "So what if I do? He's really nice and strong, could you tell me what he looks like?" Whitepaw giggled and nodded, whispering back "He's a muscular blue-gray cat with one white paw with a black stripe above it, a black paw with three black spots above it, black ear tips, a white tail tip with a black stripe, and green eyes." Whisperpaw blushed. "He sounds handsome." Whitepaw giggled and padded away.

Whisperpaw thought to herself "He sounds so handsome. He's really nice and he's strong. I wonder what he thinks of me...." Padded to her nest and notices Jaypaw already in his nest with his eyes closed. She padded to him and made sure everyone was asleep, she blushed and licked his cheek. She curled into her nest and went to sleep. Jaypaw opened his eyes when he was sure she was asleep, he said to himself "She likes me!" He looked at her and smiled, then goes to sleep.

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