Chapter 3

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Jaykit woke up excitedly. He bounced to the kill pile,and grabbed a mouse. He quickly are it and heard the leader call a meeting. Dawnstar leapt onto the rock ledge and meowed "All cats old enough to climb the rocks and hunt father here for a clan meeting. Today will will welcome a new apprentice, Jaykit, step forward." Jaykit stepped forward. "Jaykit, until you recurve your warrior name you will be know as Jaypaw and Tigerflame will mentor you." Jaypaw dipped his head as the clan chanted his name and the meeting was dismissed.

Whisperpaw padded to Jaypaw "Hello Jaypaw, would you like to share a squirrel?". "No thanks, I'm not hungry.". Whisperpaw sighed "Oh, ok." He padded into the apprentice den and made a best. All the apprentices welcomed him. Whisperpaw padded in and got into her best beside Jaypaw's and drifted to sleep. Jaypaw curled into his best and went to sleep.

Jaypaw stretch as sunlight poured into the den. He padded outside and Whisperpaw padded to him "Do you want to go hunting with me?" Jaypaw smiled "Sure." Whisperpaw purred and walked out of camp with Jaypaw.

Jaypaw padded through the forest with Whisperpaw. Whisperpaw crouched and stalked silently towards a plump mouse. She pounce and killed it with a swift bite to the neck and padded back to Jaypaw.,Jaypaw purred "Great catch, your a great hunter!" Whisperpaw blushes "Thank you." They padded along some rocks and a mouse darted out. Jaypaw quickly grabbed it and swiftly killed it. Whisperpaw purred "Let's take these back to camp." They picked up their prey and headed to camp. They entered the camp and put their prey in the pile.

Jaypaw followed Whisperpaw into the apprentice den and he lay in his best. Whisperpaw curled up in her best with her fur lightly brushing against Jaypaw. Whisperpaw snores quietly and Jaypaw says to himself "She's pretty." As he drifts to sleep.

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