8: Nightmare

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Nichole's POV

"Abby, also, always?" Nevin asked us but Cosmic shook her head before I could respond so I yawned.

"Awwww... The poor babiez need there napz!" Mawwy said to us then picked us up, again. The Mawwy thing loves to pick us up and cuddle with us, or groom or something. I saw Nikki, or Cosmic, snuggle up to Mawwy and yawn like I did.

"Mawwlby! Momba Mawwlby!" Cosmic said sleepily in Mawwy's arms as she rocked us back and forth like we were her own babies.

"Awww! Jello, Nevin! Did you hear that? One of them tried calling me Mama Mawwy!" Mawwy exclaimed in a gentle voice almost jumping around. The two boys looked at each other then looked back at Mawwy, looking confused.

"You two boys run along now, it's almost night time. I'll take care of these two for now." Mawwy said as I felt my eye lids get heavier then I willingly let myself fall into a peaceful sleep.

• • •

Cosmic's POV

I'm running away from them, from Mawwy, Jello and Nevin. There was a few others following but I didn't know who but they were after me for some reason.

"Nikki! Wait!" Silver shouted from behind me, also running away from them.

"Sis, we have to run far away from here! There going to kill us I can't wait!" I scream as I start to cry. Silver starts to speed up and runs to my side. It was night time, a full moon. We were running though the forest we got found in. I felt a sharp pain in my rib cage as Silver fell, or dashed, into a huge rock full of moss and I felt myself get taller while I was running. I could see again and I looked behind me and I see Silver glowing and growing into a leaf-like Eevee. She got up then started running at my side again.

"Nikki! Your paws!" She said panting. She was faster now and she was ahead of me by a bit now. Hesitating, I look down at my paws while running then I look behind me. I see a Jolteon, a Flareon, a Delcatty and an another Flareon. I see Mawwy transform and grow another chomp thing and Gawnie continuing to fly. Wait... Who is Gawnie?

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