Chapter 5

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Henry could feel the toxic tension that stuffed the little sedan as they traveled back toward where Henry traded cars. Josh didn't seem that mad, but Alyssa had remained quiet for some time which was unnatural for her. At least in Henry's experience that was unnatural. He'd never seen Josh get angry before, but at that moment he seemed cool and collected. But that could just mean that he was on fire within, which was much scarier than if he were yelling. Henry had to break silence.

"Look, I am so sorry that I forgot the money. I don't what I was thinking. These guys are weird and all I wanted to do was get outta there," he said.

"We're good Henry," Josh said. He wasn't so sure that they were good. Henry couldn't get a read from Josh. He just sat in the passenger seat watching the trees pass them by on the side road.

"We're not good Henry," Alyssa said. "Why, of all cars, did you pick one that had a Reagan sticker on it?" That was typical Alyssa. She hated government. Hated republicans. Hated establishment and society. Henry couldn't stand it. Why? What did she have against society? For all he knew she just wanted attention but he didn't want to fight her on it this time. He was at fault in this situation.

"Well, I didn't have much of a choice this time. Believe me, when you see the other options this one won't seem so bad." If he had returned to the motel with a pickup truck that displayed various confederate flags, he was sure that Alyssa would tear him a new one. Maybe several new ones. Plus, the sedan was more inconspicuous. You can tear off a Reagan sticker if need be, but a poorly painted flag on the side of a truck? Not so much. If they were going through Chicago, they didn't to associate themselves with such a symbol.

Josh started bouncing his knee up and down rhythmically. He really needed that money. He didn't wanna go back. Henry only made a simple mistake. Anyone could've made it. He just hoped for their sake that the money was still there and that these yokels, as Henry described them, remained ignorant of it.

"So when you say these guys are weird what did you mean?" Josh said turning to Henry. He couldn't hold in his anxiety any longer, but he wanted to make sure that Henry was aware of the gravity of losing it so he added a sharp pinch to the last part of the sentence.

"Well, they're hillbillies that's for sure. And they're racist but also not really," Henry said.

"What?" Alyssa said from the back seat. "You're either racist or you're not."

"I know. Well, I don't know how to explain it. Once we get there, don't think too harshly. You're gonna see a lot of flags, but somehow the head guy didn't know what it meant."

"I don't believe that. How can you be a hillbilly and not know what the confederate flag means?"

"He said he thought it was just a representation of the south. That's all. He didn't know it meant slavery. Look, I don't know what to tell you. They listen to Michael Jackson."

"You think there's a way we can sneak up to the Mercedes and get the money without them knowing?" Josh said.

"Maybe. The shack is about ten or fifteen yards from the car. If we shut off the lights we might be able to."

"Okay. Do they have guns? Do we need to worry?"

"No. They're actually kinda nice people...surprisingly. Just don't feel like getting caught up with them again. They make no sense."

"And if they have the money?" Alyssa added. She remained calm. She actually found the situation to be funny. She could use this against Henry anytime she wanted to, especially if he got under her skin, which he always did. The only bad thing would be them not having the money to get the hell away from North Carolina. She couldn't stand it anymore. Being home alone most of the time. Her strict parents. Her crappy high school. The crappy people in said high school. Even the losers she sat in the car with, though it could've been worse. She could've been stuck with the Alice Johnson who had the brain power of an empty shed or even Brian Connors who got straight A's in literally every subject except P.E. Now that was a nerd. Even in comparison to Henry that was bad.

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