A Secret Celebrity: The Beginning ( Chapter One )

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So this is the first story i have up here on Wattpad, and the story-line was kinda a spur of the moment thing.

I hope you guys like it. Leave comments/suggestions and votes!

-- Charlotte A.


" April! Tell us about your Father's Death, how are you feeling right now?" screamed a reporter, while many other flashing lights went off in my face. I shot them glares, attempting to push them away from the crowd.

"April, over here! April! Can you tell us when your next show is coming out. April!" shouted another one, shoving microphones and cameras in my face. I growled, holding my hands out in front of me and shoving them all away.This was the glorious life of April Emberfield. Famous Actress and now, the murder of my Father had added to my rising reputation. Tears brimmed to my eyes as i was reminded of his tragic death. It all happened two days ago.

They had found his body in his office, all mauled. It was so horribly pulled apart, that at first detectives couldn't even recognize him. The case was still open, but it seemed like there was no chances of finding whoever had murdered my father. They assumed it was either an animal, or a sick and distorted human. Animal or not, the task of making it up to my father's 10th floor, highly guarded building, was a question.

I shrugged off the thoughts, warm tears now streaming down my cheeks. Thankfully, the reporters were long gone now, realising they were never going to get me to say anything. I ran a hand through my long smooth blonde hair, which framed my oval face nicely. I earned curious stares, some excited ones, whilst i walked down Tandel Road. Tandel Road was a road full of shops but yet a quiet place. Even in a quiet place, you were well known as a famous actress.

I clutched my handbag to myself, shivering from the Winter's cold. I knew it wasn't smart to wear a loose white silk top and jeans. My teeth grinded together from the cold, whilst the tears still streamed down my face from the thoughts of my Dad. He was always the one that was there for me, as my dear Mother was always away on business trips as a Fashion Designer. My mother, on the other hand, never had time for me.

It was so frustrating being famous, because boys that i dated only wanted me for my reputation and for money. People only friended me because they wanted to get on the news. I lived a life i hated, only to please my father's wishes. Now, he was dead.

"I hate to see a pretty girl cry."

I looked up, a warm voice bringing me from my thoughts.

I was met with the eyes of a hot green-eyed guy, with a smirk on his face. He had black hair and a side fringe, which was styled and slightly ruffled. I widened my eyes at the sight of him, quickly replacing it with an easy smile. He wore dark black coat, but even with that, i could see that he was built. I gritted my teeth, containing my awe. I had seen guys like him before, so i don't know why he was different.

"Your funny." i shot back sarcastically, wiping my tears away from my face, whilst muttering angrily at another blast of cold air that hit my skin. I heard his warm chuckle, before the cold was replaced by a sudden warmth. He had placed his coat on my shoulder, which- admittedly, was very kind of him.

"Thanks." i muttered silently.

" Yeah, i know i am. " he said cockily, "and your welcome, Miss Emberfield."

My eyes widened yet again.I had almost forgotten i was a well known actor, which explains his niceness towards me. He knew i was an actor, and was probably using me. I gazed on the floor, biting my lip at my stupidity. The paparazzi might have seen his act of kindness, and taken shots of us. I looked around, scanning the area. Either they were quick, or i was lucky to have avoided that little obstacle.

"You can have your jacket back, i have to g-" i said coldly, looking up, and stopping mid-sentence when i realized he was no longer in front of me. I swiveled, seeing no sign of the black hair that belonged to him. How could he have left so quickly?

I shrugged, not wanting to linger on that matter - though i felt somewhat guilty for taking his jacket. Perhaps if i saw him another day, i could give it back. I hated being used.

But tomorrow, was going to be a new day. I decided i didn't want to be April Emberfield anymore, i wanted to be me, and just me. I didn't care if no one liked me for who i am, but i was sick of being used. I was going to change my appearance, change my name, and make sure April Emberfield was gone. I would give myself a total make-over. Tomorrow would be different, tomorrow would be the first day of school - as an ex-celebrity and soon to be a common civilian.


So that's the first chapter!

I'm sorry, first chapters are always boring.

Stay tuned though! :)

Comment and vote please! :)

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