A Secret Celebrity : The First Day. (Chapter 2)

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"You can have your jacket back, i have to g-" i said coldly, looking up, and stopping mid-sentence when i realized he was no longer in front of me. I swiveled, seeing no sign of the black hair that belonged to him. How could he have left so quickly?

I shrugged, not wanting to linger on that matter - though i felt somewhat guilty for taking his jacket. Perhaps if i saw him another day, i could give it back. I hated being used.

But tomorrow, was going to be a new day. I decided i didn't want to be April Emberfield anymore, i wanted to be me, and just me. I didn't care if no one liked me for who i am, but i was sick of being used. I was going to change my appearance, change my name, and make sure April Emberfield was gone. I would give myself a total make-over. Tomorrow would be different, tomorrow would be the first day of school - as an ex-celebrity and soon to be a common civilian.


The alarm chimed, stirring me from my peaceful sleep. Gah. I had almost forgotten it was my first day of school. School, schmool. What was there to say about it?

I expected it was going to be interesting.

I pulled myself out of bed, stretching my arms and legs. It was still 6:00, and school started at 7:15. I was used to waking up this early, because of certain movies and what not.

I planned to disappear, just go missing. I knew it would be in the headlines, on the news, and there would probably be search parties for me. That would be somewhat hilarious, when I thought about it. I could imagine frantic searches and police searching.

Okay, maybe not.

They still would be searching for me though. I was supposed to collect my Father's money. Apparently he had left a will, and I was the only person signed to it.

I chuckled and remembered my Mum's reaction. It was her fault for being such a narcissistic and selfish person. She just about looked like her head was about to blow.

I tottered to the bathroom, closing the door silently behind me. I flicked on the water, letting it pound on my back lightly. Ah, morning showers were my wake-up call. After a while, I ended up in my walk-in wardrobe, gazing at the amount of clothes I had. You would think I would be kind to donate some of the things to Charity, looking at the clothes I had. Well, I did donate to charity a few times. Not to mention they were generous amounts. I kinda felt bad for having so much money, and not giving any to people who needed it.

See? I wasn't such a stuck up, rich snob.

Eventually, I picked out simple jeans and a loose black silk top - which was more of a off shoulder top. I was going for the simple, but pretty look. After all, I had to make some sort of impression on my first day.

I looked at myself in the mirror, studying my new look. My dark brown hair suited me, and it was a nice change from being blonde. If someone pushed my hair back and put me in the sun, I would look like April. I really couldn't risk that.

How would make myself look non-April like? I glanced around the room. Glasses!

Goodbye April Emberfield! Hello Autumn Field!


My brother, Kaden, drove me to school. He was pretty shocked at my appearance to begin with, but he got used to it.

Thankfully, using my begging abilities, he used a grey BMW ; the cheapest of cars we had. If it were up to him, I'd be driving to school in a Lamborghini.


I grimaced at the sight of my new school. Massive buildings and swamped with heaps of people.

"Cya April!" Kaden screamed, just as I was about to open the door.

I glared at him.

" Woops." He said with a grin, "I mean, SEE YOU AUTUMN."

I rolled my eyes. He was so childish sometimes.

" Yeah yeah, see you Kaden." I muttered, slamming the door behind me.

I slung my bag on my shoulder, glancing around me. Huge fields, heaps of people, stairs, buildings. Enough said.

"Hey there!" screamed a loud voice in front of me, disturbing my trance. I turned, meeting the blue eyes of a brown haired boy. He was pretty good looking, if I could say. What was with me and running into good-looking guys?

"Hey." I grinned back, grasping onto my sling bag. He didn't seem too bad. I looked behind him, realizing his friends were all laughing and chuckling, whilst staring at the guy in front of me. Right, who would be caught talking to the seemingly new nerd girl. I mentally slapped myself, how could i forget? At least i knew that he wasn't using me.

"So, what's your name?" he said, a friendly smile playing on his lips. Either this was supposed to be a funny dare, or he was being sincere. I decided it wasn't worth the risk, to be made of a fool the first day - so i played it cool.

"Autumn, Autumn Field, You?" I stated. " Oh and, you can also tell your friends to stop staring, by the way."

He chuckled at that. He had a nice chuckle.

" I'm Levi." He said. It was a nice name, I mean, it suited him. " Their just talking about you cause your new, and your pretty hot. I mean, you would be without the glasses."

I raised my eyebrows when he emphasized the 'would be'. What was that supposed to mean? I decided I was going to ignore him and get to class.

" Er yeah, I'm just going to go now." I said rudely. "Ass." I muttered, walking off. I hope he heard that.

No one was allowed to treat April Emberfield, or Autumn Field like that. There you go, independent personality.

I skipped up the stairs, walking through the doors to the building ; whilst staring at the ground, deep in thought. Whilst I was stupidly thinking, and not seeing where I was going, I collided into a solid figure.

"Oh, it seems we always run into each other, don't we Pretty girl?" said a oh so recognizable voice.

I sighed. This was going to be a long day.


That's the second chapter! :)

Hope you guys liked it. It's a bit boring, but it'll get better.

Please vote and leave some comments! :D

-- Charlotte A.

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