Chapter 1- Long night

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I had to stifle a laugh looking at my grandpa who sat there with Arjun by his side. Nothing was heard from where I stood but it was clear enough that Arjun's cheek turned red from all the pinches he had availed from my grandpa. I could sense his desperateness at leaving his seat anytime my grandpa gets distracted, but it is my grandpa we are talking about.

There was a tap on my back and I turned around to see my best friend's husband, Neil, standing there holding out a hand towards me.

" dance with me? " he asked raising a brow up.

I laughed as I gave in and took his hand. We walked towards the dance floor where people had gathered with their partners. They swayed accordingly to the slow music that played. I even noticed my mom and dad dancing and I couldn't help the smile that took over my lips. They were happy and I couldn't ask for more.

We started swaying, my hands on his shoulders and his on my waist, while I glanced all over the floor for my friend.

"you're faking! " he mumbled.

"nope.. I'm happy. " I said, faking a smile.

"if not for me, Sam knows you like the back of her hand. She told me." he smirked. "you could have told them how you felt about this when it was proposed. You had a chance."

"I didn't, Neil. I was told when things were almost done, when the dates were fixed. And since the great, 'Arjun Mehra' wasn't interested in a traditional marriage, we had to have a registered marriage. " I explained. He had been off to somewhere on a business trip and had no idea about the marriage until last night. If it were any other situation, I would have laughed my ass off seeing his expression when he learnt about the arrangement.

He shook his head trying to get a grip over the information.
"then, how did your in-laws agree and let you stay at your house?"

"well, I may or may not have pulled a stunt. " I shrugged, smirking.
"I told them that I was suffering from loose motions and the fact that my house was just a mile away helped a lot too. " I winked.
We laughed at it once before my friend made an appearance.

"well, can I borrow my friend? " she asked batting her lashes.

"well, we're busy, you see... " he said, batting his eyes lashes in return.

"she's gotta go and take her seat next to her husband... " she winked at me.

Not really. I was doing just fine here.

"please, Neil. And I'm hungry get me something.. " she said and dragged me along with her.

My mom smiled at me as I walked past her, mouthed 'have fun.. ' . Well this definitely was fun. I rolled my eyes.

Sam left me with a pat on my arm and I took a seat next to the weirdo. He gave me a once over and turned to the other side. He sat there with a black tux, getting all the attention, smiling at the people he knew. While, I sat there wearing a beautiful peach coloured half-saree, looking good, I guess. Sam had out-done herself with making me look presentable.

He turned to me with an emotionless face and sighed.
"mom wants to meet us after dinner. Seems, it's something important. " he said and like always didn't bother for my response.

I nodded though I knew he didn't see it.

Guests started walking towards us -people I knew and people I didn't - and we started faking smiles, and clicking pictures.

After a lot of pictures and a lot of fake smiles -my cheeks hurt- later, we were left alone as the dinner was served and people were in heat of leaving the hall. I started massaging my cheek, temple, wriggling my toes. It had been a long day and given a pillow and a blanket, I would sleep like a baby on just the floor under me.

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