Chapter 2- Jobless

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I smiled to myself as I saw him holding the door of his car open for me to get in. I knew if it wasn't for his parents standing behind us, he wouldn't have cared. I took my time getting adjusted in my seat, pulling on my stole, adjusting it before putting my seat belt on. As soon as I did, I saw him slam the door of my side and walk to his. I clapped, mentally.

I huffed and puffed for the rest of the ride. No matter wherever we were going, the ride wasn't enjoyable. He was on his phone typing away some nonsense shit in one hand while the other held the steering. Occasionally he would look at his phone when it chimed though his eyes were fixed on the road. His jaw clenched showing away his anger at his phone or the situation.

Well, it was none of my business, so I cared the least. But it was fun seeing him all tensed. I've been in that place for more than a month now.

Living alone with him scared me to no end, but I hoped to survive.

I took my seat belt off when the car came to screeching halt. My butt ached from sitting for so long at the reception and the ride in this luxurious car did no good to it. I opened the door of my side and got out of the car.

He walked past me, after my bags were out, locking his car. I struggled with my bags as he went to unlock the door to his house. Not much of it was seen considering it was 1:00 am. And I wasn't planning on having a tour of his house after carrying my bags. Never knew bags could be this heavy. I had three suitcases and five hand bags, a back pack and a few boxes of stuff. Maybe three trips, then I'd be done.

He glanced at me before pushing the door halfway open, and walked inside. Just at that, my eyes started tearing up. I hated the fact that I was a cry baby. I hated the fact that he didn't care. I was beyond exhausted and this person being an ass isn't helping. I carried one of my suitcases along with the backpack and the hand bags that hung around my neck and shoulders. Two steps were visible from the faint light that the half closed door of his house allowed. I climbed them up with a lot of struggle, balancing myself and the bags. I stumbled upon the last step and almost fell face first, with all the bags around me.

I looked up at the person who held me as he smiled at me. My burning tears from before flowed embarrassing me more.

"I'll help you inside... " he said with a smile and a nod was all I could muster. "I'll get it for you... " he said as I motioned to grab a bag or two.

"thanks... " I said as I followed him inside, embarrassed and sad.

His house was too big to shelter two of us and I wondered how he kept it as tidy as it looks, considering his mind being a big mess.

"I'm Aditya. I stay a couple houses away." he introduced himself smiling at me while forwarding his hand for a shake once all of my things were inside.

"Radhika. " I said meeting him half way with mine.

"I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other more." he said and winked before he turned around and raced to the gate.

"your room's by the left. " Arjun appeared all of a sudden scaring the shit out of me, pointing to the direction, as I turned to him. "I want it cleared until morning." he eyed my bags as he sipped on his coffee before walking away to god knows where. I looked at the direction he pointed again and the distance seemed too much for my legs to carry me. I fell on my knees and crashed on spot.

Suddenly I was slapped out of my sleep only to be greeted by my angry husband who held an empty glass in his hand. I was completely drenched.

The ass.

I gritted my teeth staring at him as furious as he seemed to be.

"I said I wanted it clear by the morning. Wasn't that clear enough? " he screamed eyeing my bags and then, me. I flinched at his pitch. God forbid I'll pluck his throat, put it under my shoe and crush it for good.

I got up from the floor my body aching, head pounding as I tried to. I think I have a temperature. I threw him a look once I was up and grabbed one of my hand bag and started towards the room he had pointed at, the night before.

I was welcomed by a plain white wall, white bed and pillows. It screamed unhealthy. I shook my head to myself. What else could I expect? I went out again and brought another hand bag. Then another. Then another. My body ached but all I wanted to do now was irritate him. So I took my time getting with me the smallest things possible everytime I came to my room.

I could sense all the daggers he threw at me for putting on a show, walking in and out of my room for one bag at a time. Once done, I slammed the door shut.

I clock on the wall read 6:25. It was too early to be up after such an eventful night.

It was almost ten when I had finally showered and unpacked. My phone buzzed with message from Sam.

Something important came up. Can't go to the hospital. Will tell you when! -Sam.

That was the only work I had today, going out with Sam. Being unemployed, having nothing to do, being new to the house, nothing seemed to work. I had ditched work and sent my resignation via email to my boss who was a bastard that looked at every women like a hawk. Rumors say that he had had many affairs till now and has a reputation. The thing why I resigned was due to his sexual advances that I couldn't tolerate anymore. He had warned me about spoiling my career but even I'd bet his ass to be in a better position than I was in his company. Now, all I had to do was get a job. Well, easier said than done.

The whole day I roamed around the house that I was dumped into. There were a few photos of him from his childhood, with his family, friends etc.

For a bachelor staying alone, he had maintained the house pretty well, I must say.

Two rooms were locked and one had it's door left ajar. Not wanting to explore anymore, I walked towards the living room exploring the way as I passed. The house was decorated by the finest antiques and paintings that left me in awe. The living room was as alive as the way that led me here. The floor was crystal clear and there wasn't a wink of dust. A shelf full of cassettes had me drawn to it in no time. He had a good taste in music for he had all those classic songs that were hit from the olden days arched up according to the year of their release. Unable to resist, I played a one of them and smiled as it warmed me up.

Then, I went through the newspaper and applied for a few job openings which were suitable for my qualifications. I hoped one of them clicked.

The kitchen was stocked up with essentials and I cooked myself a little something and kept aside some of it, just in case, he needs food. Somewhere in the corner of my heart, I did want him to have it. I went back to my room around 8 in the evening, after I had my dinner. I didn't know what time he'd return.

I went through my phone as I sat on my bed sipping on my coffee. I had received an interview from one of the companies I had applied hours ago. Making a mental note to take a print of the call letter, I drifted off to sleep.

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