distance makes the heart grow fonder

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Chapter 2: distance makes the heart grow fonder? Mei's determination to get Yuzu home

It was a nice clear bright early spring day at the Aihara academy

The students were preparing for the second term to begin and the were excited because they were receiving new freshmen this year

Yuzu finally made it to second year along with her sister and her best friend Harumin

But things were easy for now but Yuzu still hadn't figured out her resolve with Mei and it was getting to her but she did point out valuable points to mei

She felt like a weight was taken off her shoulders after expressing her feelings to mei

She continued to avoid her at all cost because things were tense enough and she didn't want to make a case of it

She wanted mei to have an easy life without her messing it up for her

So this is the resolve: avoid mei and don't cause anymore trouble or give her headaches. She will be happier and full of life if I stay away.

Just than the loud speaker went on

"Will Yuzu Aihara of class 2-2 please report to the chairman's office. The chairwoman would like to speak to you."

Harumin looked at Yuzu and patted her head

"What did you do this time to be called to the chairman's office? It must be bad if you are being called in.

Did something happen with you and the ice queen yesterday when you left? All I know is that you left to help her.

Yuzucchi don't die on me when you see the chairwoman. Even if she your little sister. "

Yuzu finally got up and sucked in a deep breath

"I will be fine. I am not dealing with any confusing feelings at the moment.

I spoke my true feelings and I guess it bothered her. I packed up some clothes and stood with you.

I mean after I cooked and prepared dinner for her. I wasn't hungry yesterday when I dropped her off.

Don't worry I won't die. I am too pretty to die."

She went slowly walked out of the classroom and went to the chairman's office following the rules for once so she won't be under the student council's radar

She opened the door and saw her kid sister sitting in their grandfather's chair

"I am here chairwoman Aihara. What do you want this time? I was in class trying to learn.

You just can't call me whenever you want to. You want me to be in the top 50 right. I can't have any distractions. Not at this time.

Like I told you yesterday at the supermarket we can't come in contact at school.

Home is fine. School isn't. You don't need me to distract you from your business. If you let me go back to-"

Mei pushed Yuzu against the door making it close and kissed her forcibly

Yuzu submitted easily and kissed her back

She couldn't believe this was happening on school grounds and in their grandfather's office

But She had slightly pushed Mei away to breathe a bit and she was a bit nervous but being back to normal sort of

"Mei.... You can't do this. We are on school grounds. You know that Momokino-San has it out for me enough as it is.

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