Citrus chapter 11: Lover's first dance

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Citrus chapter 11: Lover's first dance

It was beautiful spring day in Tokyo, Japan, Cherry blossoms almost in full bloom, The nice fresh wind blowing making everything seem peaceful and content

The aihara house was quiet since the girls had a few days off from classes due to extreme jet-legged from their trip so they can rest

Yuzu took advantage of the sleeping in because she had never been so tired in her life, Who would be up this early in the morning just after coming up from an amazing trip?

Of course the answer is mei, She didn't seem tired at all

She was putting all hers and Yuzu's clothes back into their closet, she noticed that Yuzu was tossing and turning in her sleep wondering what she was dreaming about

She moved closer to yuzu after just finishing unpacking their stuff and carefully putting it away, She placed her hair behind her ear to see if Yuzu would speak in her sleep like state

Yuzu was drooling on her pillow squeezing it with that goofy grin on her peaceful face

"M-mei, can you believe we actually made it to this day? I am so happy. It's our 15th year anniversary since we became sisters through marriage.

I want to ask you something very important please hear me out.

I gave you a ring 15 years ago that celebrated us when we first started dating, Now we are in a place that we are most comfortable, I know this is a long time coming,

I love you mei and i want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Will you please do me the honor of marrying me? My feelings have never betrayed you and they never ever will.

I will love and honor you, i will always protect you even if you don't want me to. I am here for you."

Mei blushed seeing the ring around Yuzu's finger, the confession and her proposal, she really couldn't think of anything so her rash reaction was to take her own pillow and whack Yuzu with it

"Morning Yuzu, I see you are fully up, Now repeat what you just asked me. I want to make sure you weren't joking around"

Yuzu had her wild hair up and holding her blanket

"W-what do you mean mei? What did i say? What's going on?"

Mei sighed in disappointment

"It's nothing, forget i said anything, Pretend that what i asked didn't just happen.

I am also hungry. What's for breakfast? It's your turn this week. Mother is out with father still.

I hope they are enjoying their romantic getaway."

Yuzu was confused as to why mei was behaving weird towards her

"Oh breakfast! I will make something special for us to eat, Wait right here!"

She jumped off the bed rushing towards the kitchen to make their special breakfast

Mei looked at her ring sadly

"I hope all we said to each other stayed with her, Time will be running out soon for us both, I know how Yuzu gets when it comes to me, I don't want her to be hurt by me.

I love her too much to put her through that type pain.

I am just too proud when to admit i am wrong. We have to make this the best possible situation we have right now.

We are in love and right now i see ahead. I want Yuzu to be happy"

She went to the kitchen sitting at her normal space at the family table, the breakfast smelled wonderful

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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