I - The Thornian Blood

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June 3, Year 1500.
Boriel, Land of Thorns.

"My lady, there is but too many reasons why you mustn't let the Queen vote inside the royal council...
Claire, excuse my disrespect will not be stopped when it comes to power, and you're about to give her what she desires,"
exclaimed the ever so faithful marquis, full of fear and worry.

He was talking to the Countess of Boriel, in her drawing room as they were both situated by the windows. She held a courteous sitting fashion, while he peered by the windows just minutes before he collapsed into his arguments.

Actually, he thought he was already hopless, when the Countess kept rejecting his suggestions. She however didn't tremble once as he flustered. The Countess was too smart for such petty squabbles.

When she seen him still unsettled with his point, she made sure to keep herself quiet, until it was the right moment to make her turn.

But they were already in convention, for more than a few hours, and it only alarmed him to discern her impassiveness.

Few more minutes after his incessant pleadings, he faintly sighed; it was clearly no use for him to carry on more. The Countess only appeared stolid, as if she had no care for what he said. But in truth, she had. She only needed for him to fully convey his side before she could comment.

His stern face melted, and was finally subtle.

"The Queen of Judgement, she is cunning and she will never be swayed. Once she wins, it will always have its full optimum..." He pleaded, hoping this would be his last attempt.

The Countess stared at him inquisitively; she could finally make her turn.

"Dear James, I understand and understood." She humbly began, and assured his eye met hers.

"But you see, we have no choice but to let the royal council decide for itself. I can not make any intrusions for which might also endanger our current alliance with the Vadelles...Mostly the Rubies are set on decimating us..." She said intently, and observed his eyes for an assent.

However, through his dissenting glare, she already knew it was all pointless and this debate wasn't going to end. As much as she wanted to expel him from her courts, she could never for he was family.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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